Ch. 2

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Your Perspective


At first, feeling getting too close to the large crater that was spread out from the sidewalk to the street would somehow get me into a lot of trouble was a bit of an understatement. By now, I felt like a small child about to touch the top of a hot stove without knowing that it could burn me. I had forgotten about my troubles for a quick second as the smoke cleared.

"The hell?" I say under my breath. It wasn't a truly deep hole. It was merely a centemeter deeper than the leveled ground. Inside was a large black, pink and green thing curled into a ball. I stepped into the small crater, and poked the back of the strange thing. My hand jumped back when it wiggled slightly. I stepped back a little when the thing started to uncurl and stretch out to form a minorly damaged...guy?

The last thing I wanted to think about was guys, but this one had completely washed my thoughts away. He wasn't your average looking person. He was green. Like, a mega vegetarian. Maybe he was one; sure looked like one. I grabbed a nearby stick and poked him slightly. He groaned and rolled over.

"My head is pounding..." he moaned, sitting up for a bit. I wasn't trying to get any closer because well, he's a stranger. I surely didn't know him and I was pretty positive he didn't know me either. He noticed my presence and squinted his eyes. Maybe he could not see my face. It was raining pretty hard. And he had just taken a hard fall,"Hey five headed person...whatchu' doing here?" It looks like my assumptions were correct. But its not the time to sound science-y.

"A-are you okay?" Stuttering? Why was I stuttering? Sure, the guy was attractive with his pointy green ears and his weak askew smile, but I didn't even know him. Did he come from space or something?

"Uh..." before he could respond, there was another loud bang, and something hurdling towards him. I didn't know who it was headed for, him or me. I didn't have a lot of time to decide either. I quickly concluded it was towering towards him, and immediately jumped into action. The large metallic thing was only a few feet away, before I dove for him and hugged him close to my chest, causing him to roll, and shift our bodies out of the way. The metal thing slammed against the asphalt and skidded to a stop. Once it did, I realised it was a robot's head. Its once golden eyes had shut down and turned completely black, as tiny blue sparks flew from its crushed openings.

The rain slammed onto my back, as I towered over him for a minute. I needed to get a good look at his face. It was raining so hard, I could only make out the color of his eyes. Green. I soon heard sirens, and jumped up from my position. All I did was save him from being crushed. I didn't need my face being all over the news for being a hero. I didn't even like the attention I was getting at school. It always pestered me.

I took off down a random alleyway, and headed a different way towards my house. I'd just cut behind a few buildings and slip towards my house. Before I got completely out of earshot, I heard talking.

"Beast Boy! Are you the okay?" A high feminine voice questioned. The sirens had not subsided yet.

"Yeah, Star. I'm fine. Just my leg." 'Beast Boy' told her.

"Whatever. Get up, we're going home," A deeper girl's voice said harshly. Damn, she has a grudge?

"Okay, momma..." Beast boy said, and I assumed he had followed his command and had gotten up. Is that his mom? She sounds too teenage like to be his mom. Then again, a lot of teens are getting pregnant early. I shake my head, taking the back way to my house. The high and lower feminine voices began arguing about Beast boy as I headed off, their voices fading out as I got farther and farther away.

"Do you have to be so the hostile with him, friend Raven?"

"You mind your own business right now, Star."

"But I merely asked a simple question. Is it difficult to answer such a facile query?"

"Oh, so just because you're the 'sweet one' of the group you have to go and..." I turned a corner and their conversations completely subsided, which I was grateful of. Sheesh, what's up with that 'Raven' chick? She's got her panties in such a twist. I grabbed the spare key from under the door mat on our porch, and let myself into our quiet house. My mom and dad were probably at work, and I know Bridge was at her kindergarten school. Ah, the young years where you get to eat worms and dont get called a dildo for it. Or stick your tongue out at a boy and suddenly everyone thinks you're a whore. I missed those days. My little sister, Bridge, has it easy. Sometimes, I wish we were the same age.

My craving gut was kicking in, and I absentmindedly wandered my way into our kitchen towards our freezer. I pulled out a tub of our mint chocolate chip icecream and popped the top off, leaving it on the island for when I put the icecream back. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the flat screen, ready for another episode of Tom and Jerry. I loved to watch kiddy shows like that, which is probably precisely why Jace took me as a total joke.

I shook my head, erasing this thought from my brain and pushing the big spoon I don't remember getting from the kitchen into the icecream tub, taking a giant chunk out of the top.

"Wasn't meant to be..." I sigh, shoving the bite in my mouth then fishing in the tub for choco chunks. Soon after, I found myself dozing off on the couch with the tv low and all lights off except the kitchen.


There it gooooooesss another chappy :). Anyway, yes. You DO have a sister. A little one. If you don't have a little one in real life or one at all, this is your chance to live it up! :) hope you liked it! Around chappy 10 ill start asking for goals for this chapter and maybe some ships ^v^ bye now!


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