Ch. 9

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Your Perspective


My breathing slowed, but my heart raced, pounding against my ribcage and setting my bones aflame. His hug just absolutely screamed,"Thank you!", but I had no idea how to react to it,"I-it's me?"

"Yeah, its you! It's you, you, you!" He held me so tightly, I was nearly off the ground. He swung me around, laughed, grinned. All the while, the rest of the group had pure confusion written on their faces. He turned to the others, with me still firmly in between his chest and arms and grinned widely,"Guys, she's the girl I've been looking for!"

The strawberry coloured haired girl, Starfire I think, was the first to react. She quickly did a summer sault in the air and pinched my cheeks,"Oh, I did not know what you meant Beast boy! So, she is the female with the iris pools of (e/c) and the beautiful (h/c) hair! We have heard much about you!"

My cheeks warmed and I turned my head towards Beast boy. His cheeks were doing the same, just a darker colour. I smirked,"I guess I am."

"Wonderful!" She cheered. She whisked me away from Beast Boy and began to twirl with me on the ground,"Oh you are just as pretty as he described you!"

"Wow, (Y/n). I didn't know you were the one. If I did I would've brought you here immediately." Robin scratched the back of his neck.

"It's okay." I smile,"Really." And that was how my day started. Instead of me treading home, knowing I forgot to tell my mom to pick me up, I went to this so called "tower" with them. I learned a little about all of them. How Cyborg and Beast Boy love video games, Robin likes to train–even though he is lacking the improvement–, Starfire likes to play with her pet...alien..thing, and Raven likes to meditate and read. I sort of found this out on my own, because for some reason, I get the feeling she doesn't like me. Every once in a while, my mind would wander off and I would start thinking about Jace all over again. It happened a few times, but they were always there to snap me back into reality.

"You hungry? I have some tofu in the fridge if you'd like." Beast boy smiled, pulling out a small tub. Inside, was a giant lump of tofu just sitting there, waiting to be eaten. I was about to retaliate, when Cyborg bursted in through the door.

"Don't be a fool, BB! She's doesn't want that nasty piece of crap!" He shoved the tofu aside and pulled down some chips and dip. I slouched a little in my seat watching in amusement,"Feed the woman some real food!"

"This is real food!" Beast Boy pushed the tofu back to its original place."Plus, that dip has meat in it! And you know I don't eat meat!"

"The food isn't even for you. It's for (Y/n)!" They argued back and forth, which only made the situation funnier. I giggled and shook my head.

"Guys, guys, guys. It's okay. I'm not hungry, but thank you." I jumped up from my stool. The paused for a second, before continuing their bickering.

"See? You made the lady lose her appitite! Some gentleman you are!" Cyborg shouted.

"What are you even talking about! It's your fault!" I shut the door to the kitchen and sauntered into the living room to get some peace. I didn't believe that they were arguing for real, but their shouting was giving me a headache. The last thing I need is a migraine. I took a seat on the couch uncomfortably next to Raven and kept silent, watching the random show on tv. She cracked open one eye, expecting it to be Robin or one of the others, but her nose scrunched in disgust when she realised it was me. She returned to her meditation, and I glanced around the room and whistled. It was like one of those clichè uneasy moments in movies.

"So," I say, dragging out the 'o'. Her eye cracked open agaim and she rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed with my presence,"What do you like to do? Besides meditate? And read?"

"Banish people into another dimension." She closed her eyes again, and suddenly had this amused expression on her face. Was she literally considering banishing me right in front of my face? If she was, it was pretty rude.

"Well, do you like Beast boy? He's pretty sweet. I mean, yeah he's cute and stuff and well–"

"Hes my boyfriend." She blurted. I was stunned for a second. I could tell she was lying, but I didn't know truly. Maybe she was telling the truth. Maybe she was dating him. But what did I care? I didn't like him or anything. Did I?

"Oh..."I say simply.

"If I catch you trying to come on to him, I won't hesitate to destroy you, got it?" She says calmly, but it still scared me.

"Why would I do that? I don't even like him that way. He's my...friend." I twiddle my fingers. She uncrosses her legs and leans close to me.

"I see the way you look at him. The way you blush when he's around. Just know that he is mine. And I have my eye on you. If you even lay your nose on his cheek, I will crush your bones and use them as salt on my fries. Understood?" She looked dead serious this time, I was shaking. I took a deep breath in.

"Understood." I turn my head back to the tv and she goes back to meditate just as Beast boy walks in.

"Hey, (Y/n)! I wanna show you all of our rooms. Come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I took one glance back at Raven, and what I saw scared me to the core.

"I'm watching you." She mouthed, and her small smirk turned into a crooked, ominous grin, showing off her sharp teeth.


Sheesh, shes creepy. Lol. I have TWO shoutouts today, well tonight, thank you guys




Thank you wonderful ppl for my very first vote/comment. I love u all for the reads and votes and comments but these two are what kept me going. So thank you! *bows*

    Happy Valentines,

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