Ch. 12

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Your Perspective


It should've been us...

  I was standing in a room with absolutely nothing in it. No furniture, no door, no lights. Where was I? My head was spinning. I was dizzy. I felt like one of those curious kids to see if they could spin themselves into another dimension.

It should've been us...

   What? Who keeps saying that? Suddenly, I felt my mouth moving. I tried to stop, but I couldn't. It had a mind of its own,"It's could' would've.."

It should've been us...

   I know what that meant, but I didn't know what it meant at the same time. Tears were pouring down my cheeks, and I had no idea why. I felt suffocated. Trapped. Stuck. Lost. Jace popped up infront of me, shirtless. I stared at his chest through my blurry, teary eyes. Why was he shirtless? He looked up at me, those same pools of chocolate brown that I used to adore...

"It should've.." I heard myself whisper. He had this glint of lust in his eyes. Like he was after me but not at the same time. Did he want me? Bella popped up beside him, in that same tight outfit from the last time I saw her,"No.." Then, I was in chains. Something was holding me back from reaching out and touching him. He pulled her closer, kissing her lips softly but passionately. Just like he used to do me..,"NO!"

"It wasn't us..." he whispered, and turned walking away with her. I screamed my lungs out, as the chains held me down. My chin slammed against the floor of the room, and I was forcefully dragged backwards away from them."NO–"

"NO!" I screamed, jolting awake. Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead and my eyes were fuzzy from tears. I was really crying. I hope I didn't wake Bridge and mom up. I sat up in my bed and checked my alarm. Three-fifteen. I was shaking so hard, I could barely keep my grip on my bedsheets. It was true.

I missed Jace.

The very thought of him making love to someone else tore me apart. I wiped the stained tears from my cheeks and snatched the covers off of me, standing up. The cool air smacked against my legs. Damn, it was cold. I looked over to my window to see if it was open. Surprisingly, it wasn't.

I picked up my phone and stuffed it in my shorts pocket, grabbed my house keys and tiptoed down the stairs. If mom wasn't back, I wouldn't have left Bridge alone. But, right now, I needed relief. I shut the door quietly, and stepped out into the silent night. I felt rebellious for a moment, but realised I would only get a little scolding for this. It wasn't like I was going to go steal something. That's hitting below the belt in the family name, right there. I checked my phone unusually upset that Jace hadn't sent another text since I punched him. Maybe I hit below the belt with us.

Did I?

I typed in a message, and hesitated, my finger hovering over the send button. What if he didn't respond? What if he felt I was crawling back to him? What if he's over me? Did I really want to do this?

I felt stupid. I felt needy. I felt like a kid. A tiny baby, helpless and crying for its bottle. More tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't feel myself crying, but I knew that I was. Everything felt weird right now.

"Who ya texting?" Those simple three words whispered in my ear made me shiver all the way to the core. I jumped back, getting aware to my new surroundings. I was at the park again, which was around a block from my house. Did I really walk that far? In that short time? I gazed up at the one and only Beast boy infront of me.

"N-nobody." I shut off my phone, stuffing it in my bra, where I knew he wouldn't dare reach. When he did turn around, his eyes went wide, his mouth gaped open and his eyebrows furrowed.

"(Y/n), you're crying.." he whispered. I laughed softly.

"You've never seen anyone cry before?" I joked. He gave me this dead serious look. I guess superheroes didn't cry as much. I sniffed softly,"Sorry, I just..had a bad dream."

He brought his hands up to my cheeks and swiped a stray tear with his thumb. One of those clichè moments. I smiled a little. Wait, why was he here anyway?

"What are you doing here?" I question. His hand met the back of his neck as always, and he grinned.

"We were fighting the HIVE. We won of course. But, we were going to get victory milkshakes. It was Starfire's idea. " I tilted my head with a beam. Victory milkshakes seemed a little odd at almost four in the morning, but I said nothing about it.

"That sounds really sweet. I hope you enjoy your victory milkshakes." I giggle at the name. When I turned to walk away, he gripped my hand. Not roughly, but firm enough to tell me to stay.

"You can come with us, yeah?" He questioned, throwing his arm around my shoulder. I couldn't. I mean, I can't.

", you guys should enjoy it. You deserve it." I smile sadly. He shook his head.

"You do, too." He added. I tilted my head in wonder. I deserve a victory milkshake? I haven't even done anything courageous or heroic. Why in the world would I deserve a chance to sit with Jump City's greatest heroes?"You're a great friend." He chuckled. He moved close enough to tickle my nose with his and gaze into my (e/c) eyes with his emerald ones.

"Beast boy! Let's go, Starfire's getting–" Robin dove out of the sky, landing perfectly with his staff tucked under his arm. He paused in seeing us and his serious look turned into a goofy beam,"Hey, (Y/n)!"

"Hi, Robin." I waved slightly, "Short time, no see."

He laughed,"Yeah. We should hang out again sometime. " I giggled at this and nodded. I heard a tiny growl from Beast boy's throat and turned back to him. He was staring at Robin intently, almost to say "Back off, dude". Robin tugged on the collar of his uniform and grinned.

"Well, I think we should head off." Beast boy cleared his throat,"Let's go." He transformed into a cheetah.

"Wait, don't you think we should invite (Y/n)? It may be late at night, but we can't leave her to herself." Robin motioned to me, sitting an arm on my head, as if to call me short. I frowned at this.

"She said that she didn't want to," he countered with a grim look on his face. Sheesh, what's gotten into him all of a sudden? I hope I didn't do anything wrong. If I did, I would immediately try to fix it.

"(Y/n), would you like to join us in some victory milkshakes?" Robin questioned, turning back to me. Obviously, he was gettig under Beast boy's skin.

I turned back to him, then to Beast boy, then back to him with a smirk, "Gladly, Robin. Thank you for asking." He scooped me up in his arms, and we shot off on his staff. Beastboy changed into a dove and flew off with us.

"She's not yours..." he grumbled under his breath.



Whoa whoa whoa what up peeps? Did you see that? Ooh, I think you have a secret admirer! And i dont think its very secret XD Anywho, question of the day:

How WAS your weekend? Good? Bad? Romantic? Sweet? Tell meh in the comments! Love you peeps!

I wont let go,

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