Ch. 28

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I just found out that the bigger your device is, the shorter the chapter is ^-^ heh these must've been hella short for you guys. I am so so sorryyy meh meh meh mehhhhh. I am also sad to tell you that Beast Boy x Reader is coming to an end T^T in around... 2 more chapters.. yeah... sorryyy. But a new book will be out soon enough (not about this) so so so so so so so so so sorry.


This was not me.

Definitely not me. I couldn't even come close to comprehend what was going on. I couldn't see anything. Just a blinding red light continuously shining In my face. It hurt to stare, but I couldn't look away. I was stuck. And scared. "Hi, (Y/n)." A dark voice spoke. I knew that voice anywhere.

"Raven." I snarled,"What have you done?"

"See for yourself, " she grinned, suddenly appearing in my face. I launched myself at her, and was yanked back. I was chained,"And stop trying to escape. It's not gunna work this time," A screen popped up in front of me, and I could see them. Robin, Cyborg and Beast Boy. The screen turned, and my hand was stuck out, clasped tightly around Starfire's throat. Her face was drained of color, and she clawed helplessly at my my hand. My fist around her neck was bloody and red, filled with marks from her nails. Holy fucking fudge.

"Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you?" I quiz, pulling at my chains. It's not like that was going to help, but it was worth a shot. In the large open space of nothing but white, I had no injuries. But out there, I was tattered, bloody and scratched from fighting Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy and Starfire.

"You know exactly what you did. When he fell from the sky and crashed that day, I was right behind him, about to teleport and save him. But you.." she paused, eyes glowing red. She glared right into mine, and soon, I felt mine glowing the same color. My eyes widened,"You had to step in and rescue him. Another stupid human trying to get in the act of heroism. Not this time. I had to put up with that bitch, Terra, and she turned out to be a fucking villain. I got rid of her, I can get rid of you too. " she cackled. She waved her hand in the air, and my body slammed against the cold, white ground. She held me pinned there. The screen flickered, and I on the outside was on the ground,"You know, I actually liked you at first. That was, before you completely stole him from me."

"So you want to destroy me over some guy?" I grunted,"Raven, I thought you were better than that...I didn't know he had such an impact on you," she snarled at me,"Look, if you let me go, I'll let you have him."

"What?" She growled.

"I'll let you have him. I won't touch him. I won't smile at or joke with him. I'll.. I'll stay away from the tower. Forever. I'll go back to my old life and never mess with yours again."

"You're lying." She fumed, squeezing her hand into a fist. My insides felt like they were ripping each other apart all of a sudden. I felt my bones crack, and my ribs crush. I screamed in pain. Out there, I groaned, and grunted, huddled in a fetal position.

"I'm not!" I screamed,"I swear! I swear.." I bit my lip so hard so hard I felt it bleed. Out there, I saw a pool of blood forming around my head, and bruises forming below my raised shirt on my side. She let me go, unlocking my chains. I hoisted myself up, staggering to get my body to work right. It hurt to move. It hurt to breathe.

But I was determined.

I launched myself at her, only to see a blur of her cloak fake to the right, leaving me to tumble and crash behind her,"Stupid girl. I knew you were lying." She shot her hand out and casted a spell. I watched my entire body turn jet black. My eyes widened, as a large grin flashed across her face, and she sent me flying across the room. I screamed in pain,"You know, " she chuckled,"It might be actually kind of fun to watch you die." She squeezed her fist again. I felt a sharp stab in my side, as tears filled my eyes. I gritted my teeth, propping myself up on my elbow. My mouth seeped blood, and my vision slowly began fading. I shook my head.

I can't give up. Not like this..

"Your blood and soul in a jar would be just enough for a little gift to Beast Boy. You know, as a souvenir for the 'time' you guys had together. " I grunted, him crossing my mind. He wouldn't give up for me, so I can't give up for him. My arms wobbled as I balanced myself on them in a push-up position. Legs down, back stretched, on my arms,"S'too bad you won't be here to watch him receive it." Her voice deepened at the end.

"Raven.." I whispered.

"What's that?" She sauntered up to me and snatched my chin in her cold, white hand. I felt my neck pop,"Speak up you pitiful bitch." I mumbled under my breath on purpose, closing my eyes slightly,"Speak!" She barked. I suddenly widened my eyes and grew a smirk on my lips. I jumped on her,"Shit!" She screamed.

I felt us tumble, and soon, we weren't even in the white space anymore. We were back in the tower. With the boys and Starfire watching us in shock.

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