Ch. 13

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Your Perspective


Two words to sum up that night-well morning-? Fun. Awkward.

I think you've guessed the fun bit already. Victory milkshakes, jokes, laughs, milkshake coming out of Cyborg's nose, Starfire joking around with the cash register. It was pretty funny.

But the awkward part still has me cringing every time I think about it. First off, Raven threw a little fit about me tagging along and almost banished Robin into another dimension. We had to pry her sharp demon claws off of him. Then, Cyborg's "girlfriend" named Jinx or something like that appeared, claiming that her and Cyborg were supposed to go on a triple date with Beast boy, Raven, Starfire and Robin. Which would've left me alone. And finally, at the end of it all, Robin got into an argument with Beast boy over me. I stood dumbfounded, watching them bicker back and forth about who met who first. It was almost six a.m. when I went home, which was why I was glad it wasn't a school night. Good thing my mom let me stay home on a Friday.

I was practically inhaling the leftovers of awkward air as Beast boy flew me home. I still held on tightly to him in the air, but he was stiff, seeming the only thing moving was his wings. Robin had been so upset that he had forgotten about me and stormed home. I didn't blame him. I would've done the same to myself.

"I'm sorry.." he whispered. I looked up, surprised to hear his voice for the first time since we've been on the journey home,"I didn't know what came over me. I don't own you, I know. But, it kind of upset me that he would put it all out there that he knew your name first and stuff."

"It's fine.." I say, watching the sun slowly peek over the horizon, waking the earliest birds in the morning, "I just wish I had gotten to finish my milkshake." I chuckled at that, and he did too. It was true, I never got finished with my (v/c/s) milkshake, and it was pretty good,"That was a really good milkshake."

"Mhm," was all he said, as he landed in the grass on my lawn. I fumbled to get my keys out, and before I did, the front door swung open and I was tackled by my mom.

"Oh my Gosh! My baby girl is okay!" Her cracking voice tumbled over her words. She suddenly pulled me away from Beast boy and glared at him. I didn't even realise he had changed back,"Who is this? Did you steal my child? Did you hit her? Rape her?!" His cheeks flushed a dark scarlet.

"Mom!" I groaned,"No, mom. No." I pushed away from her a little,"I snuck out myself. And I ran into him."

"So you brought a stranger to my house? Do you know how dangerous that is?!" She fussed. I shook my head ferociously.

"No, mom! He's not a stranger. He's my friend. My..." I glanced at him the turned back to her,"My boss." It was both of their turns to look surprised.

"Boss?" They questioned simultaneously. Well, I guess it was time for my little dark lie to step to the truthful light.

"I lied to you mom. He's not really my boss. I don't even have a job yet for that matter. I knew you would freak out if you found out I was hanging around a guy for once and go all 'mom protective' mode on me, so I kept it a secret that he was just my friend. I told you he was my boss. He's not. He's just a friend." I sighed and hung my head in shame. I really hated lying to my mom, but I knew what she was capable of. She scared my second grade best friend, who was coincidentally a boy, half to death and made him quit speaking to me for the rest of the year. It was a really awful year.

"Aww baby girl, I wouldn't have been mad at you. You're all grown up now. Highschool. You're old enough to handle a boy. You could've told me the truth." Wow. Not the response I was preparing for. I glanced up at her shocked. She had this really goofy smile on her face,"My baby girl becoming an independent woman."

That, I expected. I groaned again, throwing my head back and sighing up at the sky. Lord, take me now. I positioned my head back up to find Beast boy fast asleep right on our front lawn. The grass is really that comfortable?

"We can't just leave him like that." My mom motioned to him, smiling cheekily,"Although it is pretty cute."

"Mom, stop talking." I shook my head and attempted to shake him awake. Unfortunately, this guy was a really heavy sleeper. I grabbed him under the arms and motioned for my her to grab his feet. And together, we hauled him into the house and on the couch, where he rested peacefully.

"Isn't this kind of kidnapping? Bringing him into our home without his consent?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"He fell asleep on our lawn. In my defense, he trespassed." I glowered at her and laughed a little.

"Mommy? Sissy?" We both whipped around, almost knocking heads I may add, and stared at a really cute Bridge standing there with her ragged teddy bear clutched in her arms and rubbing her tired eyes,"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, Sweetheart!" We said simultaneously. It was surprisingly because I've never called my sister 'Sweetheart'. And since she knew this, she got suspicious. She walked around, hauled herself ontop of the couch, and stared down with a gasp.

"You stole Sissy's boyfriend?!"


Short huh? :/ i know. WRITER'S BLOCK IS A PAIN IN THE ARSE! Arrrgh. Im sorry ive been dying these past few weeks D: ive gotten really busyyyy. Antywho, another weekend is coming up ;) you might get a chappy. Depends :\ i love u guys so much for sticking around :D pray for meh!

QOTD: Do ya think Robin likes ye? Or maybe BB? Who do YOU like the most? What should the next chapter be about? :D more than one question YAYYYY!


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