Ch. 25

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I totally gave up on Frisk x Sans. Apparently, some people think its kinda wrong for Frisk to like Sans and vice versa. Which I dont necessarily blame them because Frisk is a kid and well Sans is a...thing. That's most likely been there way longer than Frisk. So, instead I have a different surprise and hopefully you it? Maybe you will idk. If you read it. Ill tell u when the first chapter has been posted and blah blah. Heh, on to the story!


I found myself sitting on train tracks around a half a mile from the school. It was peaceful, and the only thing I could hear was crickets. I heard a wolf in the distance somewhere, but it sounded quite faint, so I wasn't too worried.

  "(Y/n)! What are you doing?!" Beast Boy cried, jumping out of the car as soon as he pulled up.

  "Trying to kiss an oncoming train. What does it look like I'm doing?" I scrunch my nose up a little. I hear a small honk down the tracks and smile to myself,"Speaking of which.."

  "(Y/n), don't do this! I just met you, for crying out loud!" Natalie stepped out of the car. Natalie?

  "What are you doing here?" I stared at her in disbelief. She had taken off her mask and pinned her dress on the sides so she didn't have to carry it. Beast Boy stepped to the side and let Nat stand next to him. She smiled weakly at me,"Doesn't matter,"I shake my head, turning back to the train. I could now see the big light coming closer to me.

  "Babe, please!" Beast boy shouted from the side. Nat had her fists balled and a worried look written on her face. I squinted my eyes, as the train chugged closer, honking louder than ever. I could no longer hear their shouting over the train.

In three...



  I was shoved out of the way and off to the other side of the train tracks. The big locomotive whoosed past me as I laid in the dirt with someone ontop of me,"Are you crazy?! You could've gotten killed!" Beast Boy flipped me over, hovering over me angrily. I flinched at his words, unable to speak for myself. I didn't want to, actually. I didn't know what to say that would make this situation better. I didn't know what I was doing. He grunted, getting up and picking me up bridal style, carrying me to the car. I sat in the backseat, the whole car silent as we drove Natalie home.

  "Don't ever.. do that again, (Y/n). It's nice to have someone that actually knows me without the 'getting into clubs and committees to get noticed' thing." Natalie said after a while, sighing afterwards. She leaned her elbow on the window, staring out at the sky full of stars. I did the same, tears threatening to roll down my cheeks any second.

"I'm sorry. " I muttered.

"Well, you should be." Beast Boy snapped. I bit my lip to keep it from trembling," Think about the consequences before you make the action, (Y/n). What would your mom say if I went home and told her you were dead? 'Oh, Sorry Mrs. (L/n). (Y/n)'s not coming home tonight, or better yet ever because she decided that giving a moving train a big old hug would be just the thing to make her night better!'" I didn't know what hurt worse. His sarcasm, or his tone. I accidentally whimpered, and he glanced at me from the driver's mirror. He looked down with a guilty face and sighed. He stopped infront of what I was guessing was Natalie's house and she hopped out.

"Thanks, for the ride home. Feel better,(Y/n)." She shut the door, traipsing up to her front door.

"Get in the front." Beast boy demanded, and I slid out of the backseat and into the front. He pressed on the gas pedal, heading towards my house,"I didn't mean to make you cry, okay? It's just.. you scared me." I didn't answer. I turned my head to look out of the window again. He sighed, focusing on the road. He moved his hand to mine on the console, and I set mine in my lap. I didn't want to touch or hear him right now. He pulled into the driveway, parking and getting out. I opened the door, to find him on my side waiting for me.

"I can walk.." I mumbled, taking my keys out of his hand and shutting the car door. I opened the house, pushing the door in and taking off my flats,"You can go home now. Or.. stay here. Whatever you want." I took down my hair and grabbed a paper towel, wetting it and wiping my makeup off.

  "Are you mad at me?" He quizzed. I saved your life you know." He grumbled behind me.

  "What if I didn't want to be saved?" I snapped at him quietly, realising I was home and my mom and sister were in their rooms asleep. He stared at me with the saddest eyes, and I turned around, wiping my nose. I trudged into my room, shut my door and slipped my dress off. I didn't realise him coming in until it was too late. 

  I nearly jumped out of my skin, when I felt him hug me from behind. Of course, me being insecure of my body, I tried every which way to cover myself.

  "No use in trying to hide, I had to undress you in the hospital." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"For what?" My face flushed.

  "Duh, For your hospital gown." He turned me around and hugged me from the front,"I don't think I've ever said it before but.. I love you, (Y/n). I really do."

  I smile in his chest and contain myself from nearly jumping in his arms,"I love you too."

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