Ch. 5

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Your Perspective


  I sat preturbed and jumpy in my seat.  I was scared to think of what would happen if they found out it was me. And more over, I had to pee. That cola had dropped down to my bladder and had gotten revenge. I was over what Bella had said about me, and even more so unfased about how close Jace has tried to get to me. Yet, Bella had the nerve to be sitting in this assembly a few seats over from me. And she doesn't have to same color hair as me. Not by a long shot. If she had plans to put temporary hair dye in that bird's nest, she had another thing comming.

    I wiggled more in my seat,crossing and uncrossing my legs, twiddling my fingers, biting my lip until that metallic taste came to my tongue once more. I really had to go, and they weren't even finished with the mic check. We signed our names on this list, and then they would take you to another part of the gym to interrogate you or something like that, while someone else would stand on the stage and explain everything that's happened.

    " two...mic two." Robin spoke into the mic, his voice as clear as ever. That still didn't distract me from my bladder. I needed to leave badly,"Kayden Harrison, number...fifty two. You're up." I was number sixty. It wouldn't be long,"Alright, ladies. We gathered you all here today to explain a small incident we encountered yesterday evening. Well, not an incident but–"

  "Robin, marry me!" A girl from the back shouted. It was probably the same from earlier. I snorted unladylike and laughed softly in my seat. Robin's eyes flew over the large crowd of girls before him and tugged at his collar. His eyes landed on me and he smiled slightly. I sat up a little in my seat, and smiled back.

    "Uhm, I am currently in a relationship, thank you." He looked at me again and winked. He lied! That sly dog. I shook my head softly and my grin widened,"Anyway, a young lady we believe attends this school rescued a member from our team. We want to thank her if she is out there. " my cheeks reddened a little,"We are going to simply ask each of you a few questions and if you match what we have, you're the it girl. "

   "Me! I'm the it girl!" Another shouted from around the middle. I rolled my eyes,"Now you have to dump the bitch you're dating and marry me!" Robin's face scrunched up and he shook his head.

    "I don't like that you've called my girlfriend a bitch. And it would be a good idea to take a seat before things turn ugly in here." The girl's cheeks flushed, and her eyes suddenly overflowed with tears. She pushed her way down the bleacher steps and rushed out of the door in a fit of cries. Robin cleared his throat and fixed his stance,"Bethany Gold. Number fifty three, you're up." My face scrunched as I held it in more and Robin frowned at me,"Something wrong?" He mouthed. Im surprised no one caught this and stared in my direction. I shook my head and waved my hand infront of my crotch, hopping up. He made an 'oh' with his lips and nodded. I quickly took off down the empty halls towards the bathroom to try to use it as hurriedly as possible. I found an open restroom and quickly went inside to do my business.

   When I finished, I flushed and washed my hands. I turned to grab a papertowel and noticed a note on the door. I snatched it off and read it.

     Dear Herambe,

                 Well, I notcied you trying to slide your gorrilla looking ass into the spotlight for the person that saved that hero's life. Good luck getting back to get your number called. I've got the key >:)

                            Stole your man,
    I jiggled the doornob an I was somehow not surprised to find it locked. I banged on the door angrily,"Bella, I'm going to rip out your intestines and feed them to you!" I screeched, slamming my whole body against the door. The door weighed more than I did, so I was quite certain I was not getting out.

   "Oooh, good luck with that, Herambe!" She laughed on the other side. I kicked the door,"Looks like that's me! Number fifty four! And what are you, sixty?" She chuckled,"Yeah right. " I heard her heels clickinf off in the distance and I shouted angrily. I sweared, kicked, pushed, punched and yanked at the door. But no avail, I was stuck. I slouched against the door and sighed. Why does she even hate me anyway? She took my boyfriend, she's popular, shes pretty. She's everything I'm not.

   And yet, she manages to smear that in my face and make me angry. I tried really hard not to let her, but she's just about broken me now. My one chance to feel happy for myself for once, and she's ruined it. Tears rolled down my face, and I sat there crying softly for what felt like hours. I heard my number come and go.

Fifty five...

Fifty eight...

Sixty two...

  That's it. She's won. There's nothing else I can do. I sighed, and looked up at the ceiling. Just when I thought I was done for, I heard footsteps. I jumped up and banged against the door once more.

   "Help! Help me, whoever's there!" I screamed. The footsteps paused, and came closer,"'am me." I pulled at the door.

    "(Y/n)?" I knew that voice anywhere. It was the same voice I loved years ago. Suddenly, I began reconsidering staying in here. I dhook my head.

   "Jace?" My voice cracked. I slammed my shoulder against the door,"Get me out of here!"

    "Hold on, baby! I got you." He rushed off, probably to find a janito of some sort, and I kept my ear close to the door. The lock on the bathroom door clicked, and the door flung open. I stared into his face for what felt like forever. My tear stained face frozen with shock. I breathed in and did something I never thought I'd do again.

I hugged him. And I wouldn't let go.


   *Cough cough* please dont kill me *cough*

   Im soooooo sorry for not updating in so freakin long! I missed this book I must say. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter 50+ reads woohoo! Thank you my peeps youve made me proud :,)

    No more countin dollars,

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