Ch. 3(short)

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Beast Boy's Perspective


They were arguing. Right in the middle of the street. All I wanted to do right now was pass out in this giant hole I was in and lay there, letting the nightly rain hit my face. I groaned loudly, throwing my head back.

"Can you guys just chill out already?!" Cyborg exclaimed. Raven's dark purple eyes turned into red irises of rage.

"You chill out!" She screeched, turning back to Starfire,"And you need to keep your orange damn nose in your own fucking business! Beast boy and I have nothing to do with the likes of you!" Cyborg quivered under her loud voice, but Starfire was not having it. Somehow, she had gotten on Raven's bad side. But, it was probably because of that awkward position she found us in.

The summary of the story was, Starfire slipped on a chunk of tofu I accidentally dropped on the floor and fell in my lap. Raven walked in at that time and immediately got jealous. Overprotective. I like it just a bit.

"You are out of your glorberb!" She hovered over Raven, eyes flashing green and hands sizzling with green lightning,"Just because you caught Beast boy and I in an awkward position, you want to throw all your freaks and outs on me!"

"Ladies!" Robin stepped in, pushing the two away,"Calm yourselves! We don't need to fight at this time. Especially when there are a bunch of crime sprees spawning in the city! We need to get Beast boy home. He's injured and he needs rest. Come on," Raven scoffed, and immediately teleported away, probably to her room to demolish and rebuild it. Robin and Cyborg helped me to my feet, while Starfire stayed behind me.

"I am the sorry Beast boy. I do not understand what friend Raven has against me. Maybe she feels if she is superior in your love." She sighed,"Do not worry, I will not get in between." My face blushed a fuchsia colour, and I shook my head.

"It's fine, Star. Raven'll get over it. I hope." I said. She nodded softly, and took off towards the tower. I didn't have a clue what had upset them both. But, I guess girls work differently than guys. Meanwhile, something else had been on my mind.

(E/c) eyes, (h/c) hair...I needed to find out who saved my life. My head was hanging a little too long, and Robin's voice came into my earshot.

"Beast boy? Are you sure you hurt just your leg?" He questioned. I nodded softly, my mind wandering again

"Who you thinkin' about?" Cyborg grinned, curiosity and amusement laced in his tone.

"Guys, did you see the girl that saved me anywhere?" I asked. They looked at each other, then back at me.

"Somebody saved you?" Robin quizzed. I clicked my tongue and scoffed.

"Never mind. When I get better, I'm gunna go look for her." I shook my head,"She saved my life...I have to find her."

Cyborg rose an eyebrow,"Did you see what her face looked like?"

I thought for a second. All I remember is a blurry face, and pretty (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair. I mean, I nearly passed out. There was no way I'd remember her face. But I knew, somehow I knew, I was going to find her one way or another,"No." I said simply.




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