Chapter 3: The Risk

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I love it when you go crazy
You take all my inhibitions
Baby, there's nothing holding me back

I let out a low whistle when I saw a black expensive sports car outside the school's driveway.

"Woah, isn't this the newest model of the Porsche 911 Turbo?" I recalled in amazement, staring at his car in awe.

He nodded, a proud look on his face. "Like it?"

"Love it," I corrected him, rubbing the hood of his car. "I wanna marry it."

"Okay, let's go in before you start kissing it," he laughed, urging me to come in.

"Not my fault that your car is more appealing than you," I joked as I went in with him opening the door for me.

He looked like he was about to argue when he sat on the driver's seat before deciding against it, shrugging. "True."

I breathed in and sighed. It smelled like a brand new car, and I was jealous of him. My family didn't really have a problem with money, but we weren't this loaded.

"How'd you know what this car was? Most girls don't care about the brand, they just care that it looked expensive." Logan questioned, starting the car.

"I think we established that I'm not like most of your girls," I snorted, not really seeing myself as one of his girls. "I'm pretty sure there are more like me though."

"Nah, I think you're one of a kind," he complimented with a kind smile.

I rolled my eyes. "I bet you say that to every girl you meet."

He smiled sheepishly. "They don't exactly question me when I do, they just blush and stutter more."

I sighed, looking away. He might seem like a nice guy, but I knew better than to see him differently and to trust him. He was just like the others. They were all the same.

"You okay there? You suddenly became silent." He said, glancing at me worriedly.

I snorted inwardly. He might be a douche and a player, but he was a good actor.

I waved him off before telling him my address.

"I'm going to put the window down, okay?" I announced after making sure he knew where to go. Before he could agree, I put the window down.

"Sure, Kath. Sure." He said sarcastically with a small smile on his face, showing off his dimples.

I smiled mockingly at him before letting the breeze mess up my hair. It was kind of a chilly night, but I don't get cold easily so it was okay. Surprisingly, there weren't much cars, which was fantastic. I looked up and stared at the stars as he drove off, just sighing at how good riding this car felt like.

Suddenly, my stomach grumbled.

"Hungry?" he asked jokingly.

I looked at him sheepishly. "Naturally. It's okay though, I can wait 'til I get home."

But we weren't headed to my house now. He made a turn, and now we were going to the street where a lot of restaurants were.

"My house is over there," I said, pointing at the opposite direction.

"I know," he shrugged. "But I'm hungry too, so why don't we eat first?"

"Don't you have tutor?" I inquired, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I do, but I could hardly care less now. I'm never absent without a cause, but I feel like taking a risk now, and I don't know why." He admitted coolly.

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