Chapter 42: The Hunt

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I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes

Zachary avoided me like a plague today.

After his odd confession last night, I made it my new mission to firmly talk to him about it so I could finally explain my side. With this in mind, I followed him everywhere in school the following day, but he always managed to escape my grasp.

It frustrated me so much, which was probably why I was drinking by myself by the open bar in Nancy's party while everyone was drunk and in love.

Jade and Wyatt made me feel especially bitter as they were sitting in a booth far away from the drunkards, sipping on their strawberry milkshakes as they laughed at Zoe, who was twerking on the dance floor with Nico, who seemed very pleased with the whole thing.

After letting out sigh, I turned away and downed another shot of tequila.

"Another three shots of whatever she's drinking and one coke, please."

I looked up to see Ryder, Ivan, and Logan. Ryder sat on the stool on my right, Ivan on my left, and Logan beside Ivan.

The bartender slid Ryder, Ivan, and I three shots and gave Logan his coke. I tipped Logan a nod to show him my approval.

"Why are you guys here?" I asked them, sloshing my drink around.

Before answering me, Ryder raised his shot glass. I shrugged, raising up mine too with Ivan and Logan, who raised up his glass of coke. We clinked our glasses together before drinking together.

"A little birdie told us you were alone," Ryder explained. I glanced at Jade to see she was already looking at me, smiling sheepishly. I turned my attention back to the boys after shooting her a blank look. "So, we decided to keep you company, sweetheart."

The corner of my lips tugged upward when he called me sweetheart again. It was a cheesy nickname, I know, but he had been calling me that since the beginning that I got used to it.

"Plus," Logan added as he took a sip from his coke, "we wanted to talk to you about something."

"Let me guess," I drawled, "this is about Zachary, isn't it?"

They nodded at me.

"What the hell did you do to that boy?" Ivan asked. "We're all used to him being an asshole, but today, he was just quiet. He barely uttered a word, much less made any sound. I think you broke him, Kath."

"What makes you think I have something to do with that?" I scoffed, crossing my arms. "Maybe he's just having his monthly period."

"He just had it last week," Ryder shot me a pointed look, "and because we know what's it like to be broken by you. We may have different ways of showing it, but you just have a huge effect on us whenever you make us sad."

Ivan nodded in agreement. "His sadness right now screams Katherine Solace."

"Care to tell us exactly what happened?" Logan prompted, resting his head on his hand.

I ran a hand over my face. "He confessed to me last night, and I said nothing."

They opened their mouths in feign shock as a response, reminding me of the Pikachu meme.

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