Chapter 22: The Cooking Class

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You got me playing in a game that ain't fair
But you're taking me there

The band, Zoe and Jade were at my house again.

"I don't understand why you can't just practice somewhere else," I said in a puzzled tone, looking at all four of them in my family's basement. "Don't you guys have a rehearsal place or something?"

"We do," Nico, who was standing really close to Zoe, replied. "But it's much more inspiring to do it here."

Zoe rolled her eyes, but she was obviously flustered.

"I agree," Wyatt quipped, side-glancing at Jade, who paid no attention to him as she read her book. "I feel like I'm a better guitarist in this house."

Jordan, who seemed like he was in a bad mood, shrugged before continuing to set up his drum set. "I was just dragged."

"Besides, I know you want us here, especially me, babe." Ivan winked as he slung an arm around me.

"Well, I want you guys here." Grams piped in from the beaten down sofa.

I face-palmed myself as Ivan walked towards her and kissed her hand. "Likewise, Grams."

My parents weren't home, but Grams was. When the band with all their instruments arrived on my doorstep unexpectedly, it was Grams who invited them in and made them feel like home. She even made them sandwiches and juice! She really bonded with Ivan, and since he was a kiss up, my grandma told him to call her Grams.

Ivan continued kissing up to my grandma while the others, except Jordan, were preoccupied with different things. Nico and Zoe were engrossed in a conversation about basketball while Wyatt was staring dreamily at Jade reading a book. I pursed my lips and walked over to Jordan, who was sulking and simply staring at the wall on a stool.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting on the stool beside him and staring at the wall with him.

He glanced at me and shook his head. "Nothing."

I nudged him with my elbow lightly. "C'mon, I know it's not nothing."

Now he really looked at me and sighed. "It's just—I'm really confused about someone."

My eyebrows rose. "Hmmm, okay. Tell me everything you feel about this person."

He narrowed his eyes at me. When I eyed him seriously, he bit his lip and pondered, giving in to my stupid request.

"I feel... happy when I'm with this person, like I can be myself. But sometimes, I also feel like I'm only the second choice, like I'm not a priority. I try not to think of it too much, but it just really affects me because to me, this person's my priority. Other than that, I feel like this—he isn't 100 percent honest with me as I am with him. I just don't know what to feel about the whole thing."

"First things first," I began, a smirk spreading on my lips. "You love this person."

His eyes widened. "I do not!"

"Yes, you do," I retorted, crossing my arms smugly. "If you don't, then you wouldn't be overthinking all of that. You wouldn't make him a priority and wouldn't be as affected if you're not his."

His ears tinged pink in realization. He faced away from me. "I don't like talking to you." Jordan sputtered out.

"Hey! I'm just telling the truth, man," I said, poking his bulging arm. "Just admit it. Come on, I don't judge."

He slightly turned to me. "Well, if you must know, I'm bisexual. I knew from the start that I kinda had a thing for this dude, but then I was still with Darla, so I ignored that feeling. When I broke up with her though, this guy has been with me and helped me get past that bitch. I-I don't know if I love him, but I know for sure that I like him."

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