Bonus Chapter #1: The Letters

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You once told me that I was your superhero.

Well, I beg to differ. You're your own hero, Logan. Sure, I may have helped you come out of your shell and pushed you a little bit, but you're the one who made all the choices. You're the one who refused to be a puppet, the one who stood up for yourself. You decided on your own, and I hope you continue to do that for yourself. You have a lot in store for you, I can just tell. How can't you, when you're the most intelligent, the sweetest, and the most hardworking person I know? (Just don't get too cocky). I'll keep believing in you, no matter what you do. I'm already so proud that you're moving forward from your past, that you're doing your best to right your wrongs.

You also told me that I was your tragedy and that I really am Estella, and okay, I'll agree to that. Estella was a bitch to Pip, but she was the one who inspired him to be the best person he could be. I am proud to be an obstacle that made you be a better person, and you gotta admit some of the disastrous moments were hella fun. I'll always remember the time we got kicked out of the fancy restaurant, the time we read books together, and especially the time I pretended to be a squirrel. Thank you for giving me moments just like from the books I loved reading, for making me feel like I'm in a fairytale even if it's just for a short while. Thank you for showing me how to be strong despite the pressure, the pain, and the high expectations. Aim high, Pip. I'll be cheering you on.


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"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that's what you've given me." I took a page out of your book and quoted The Notebook, but you probably already realized that. I chose that quote specifically because you gave me that 'best love' despite all the shit you've been through. I felt your love through all our adventures, through all the times you made me laugh out loud that my stomach hurt, through all of your craziness. You ignited a fire that was dying out inside of me and made me feel like life could be fun with all your crazy antics. When I needed a distraction, you were there. You never failed to make me laugh. You also taught me not to be serious all the time and how to be strong in amidst of all the pain. For all of that, I thank you. You'll always be my happy pill.

I have always been inspired by you because life has treated you like crap, but you manage to bounce back every time. You always have a smile on your face, a joke ready to be said, a movie quote at the tip of your tongue, and a laugh everyone's bound to hear. But please don't forget that you don't have to pretend you're happy all the time. It's okay not to be okay. Sometimes, I think you forget that. It's okay to be sad, to let your walls down for a while and cry. Don't forget that even though I don't love you the way you'd like, I'm still here for you and you can rest with me. I am so SO proud of what you have become, Ivan, never forget that. You're a sunshine, and the world needs to see how bright you can shine. Your voice deserves to be heard, so keep singing, smiling, and shining.

~your number one fan

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I can never understand how you managed to fall in love with me when you know how insensitive I can be, how problematic I am, and how dramatic I act most of the time. You were the only one I ever showed the real me, the whole Katherine Solace without any kind of act. Even though I can't comprehend why you love me, I'm thankful that you do. When we weren't together, you were tough on me. I know you regret being rude to me, but I honestly don't perceive it that way. You didn't give me shit and let me know when I'm being a bitch, and because of that, I grew up and became stronger. And don't worry, you weren't a grump ALL the time. Whenever I was on the verge of giving up, whenever I was going crazy, you kept me steady. You held me and told me everything was going to be alright, which was what I needed to hear the most. You helped through my shit, but unlike other guys, you still let me be independent. You gave me space to figure things out by myself, like what I needed to do. Thank you so much—I'm so grateful for all the things you've done for me and how you make me feel special. I know you're often mad at yourself because you think I deserve more, but you have no idea how wrong you are. I don't deserve a sweet guy like you, who's actually really thoughtful and observant. I don't deserve someone who understands me, someone who's willing to tame my craziness. Don't ever feel like you're not enough for me, because you are MORE than enough.

I know you think that you're a fuck up, that you're not going to amount to anything, and you could not be more wrong. You are the most hardworking and passionate guy I know (even when you don't show it because you act so nonchalant). I admire you because even though your parents don't support you going to college, you stood your ground and did everything you can to earn for uni. That situation itself shows that you are not a fuck up, that you are going to be successful one day. You're not a bad person for doing what you had to do, Zachary. Never forget that. You are far from the monster you make yourself out to be. To me, you're actually like ice cream. Cold at first but once you get used to it, it's actually really sweet. Plus, ice cream always makes me feel good, and that's what you make me feel. But don't always be cold, okay? Let people see how beautiful and amazing you really are (not too much though, people might steal you away from me). I love you so much, Zachy. You have no idea how lucky I am to have someone like you.

~your girlfriend, "blondie"

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My first impression of you was "Wow, this guy is probably an asshole who only thinks about himself," and when you hurt my best friend, I convinced myself that was true. Misjudging you was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made because I was so, terribly wrong. Spending all that time with you made me realize that you are more than your reputation, you are more than people perceived you to be. They don't know that the real Ryder Rowland is actually the biggest sweetheart and the biggest softie there is. They don't know that you care about the nature so much, that you take time to appreciate your surroundings, and that you spend more time cooking and playing with your pets than hanging around with girls. Thank you for showing me who you really are, Ryder. One of the greatest gifts life gave me was getting to know you and having an adventure with you that I will never forget.

Do you know that you're my biggest what if? What if you found the notebook first? What if I didn't care about your past with my best friend? What if I loved you the way you loved me? With all those what ifs, I'm convinced that in another life, we're together—that you cook me meals everyday, that I pose for your pictures, that we adopt more pets together—but reality kicks in and I realize that I'm not the one for you. The girl you're looking for is someone who will never judge you the way I did, someone who loves nature as much as you do, someone who won't try to change who you are. I hope you find her soon because I'll be rooting for you guys! But from the bottom of my heart, thank you, Ryder. Thank you for loving me wholeheartedly, for reminding me of the beauty of life when all I could see was the worst of it. I'll also always remind you that you're a blessing to this world, that you deserve happiness as much as anyone does. Stay the confident and awesome person you are, okay? The world awaits for your greatness!


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