Chapter 10: The Swimming Pool

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I feel the waves getting started
It's a rush inside I can't control
Your eyes keep pulling me in

I don't know why I forgot to wear my slippers.

Ryder and I were away from the playground, walking in the light drizzle. The pouring rain a while ago was slowly vanishing, leaving us both really cold. Worst of all, we didn't have any slippers on, so we were walking barefoot on the sidewalk.

I didn't want to wet my car and the swimming pool was just near, so I told Ryder we could walk. Being in the moment, we ran away from the playground, leaving our slippers there.

"My feet hurts." I complained with a groan

"I'm used to it," he said as he splashed on a puddle. "When I'm drunk, I always forget to put my shoes on."

I rolled my eyes. Ryder was always blackout drunk at parties, hence why he was known as the Party King. "I'm sorry I'm not as dumb as you are."

"Mind you, you're the one groaning about walking barefoot right now, so who's the real winner here?"

I opened my mouth to retort, but no comeback went out. "Whatever." I decided to say.

He laughed at me before stopping in front of me. He bent down real low before saying, "Hop on, sweetheart."

I grinned and without any hesitation, I hopped on his back. I felt the muscles on his back flex when it felt my weight, and I had to do my best to avert my eyes from it.

Again, he might be an ass, but he was no doubt hot.

"Point me the way, ma'am," he said jokingly.

I laughed and did so, just playing with his blonde hair on the way.

When large rusty metallic gates came to my view, I knew we were at the right place. I hopped down from Ryder's back before walking to the locked door. I took a bobby pin from my pocket and started picking it, my tongue sticking out in concentration.

"Sweetheart, you have no idea how badass and hot you look right now," he whistled as I continued to pick on the lock. "And your red bra through your white shirt doesn't help the situation."

I rolled my eyes at him, not bothering to cover up. He already saw everything anyway.

I stood up proudly when I successfully unlocked the door with Ryder applauding me. I grabbed his hand and led him inside.

Before pushing him in the pool.

I took off my shirt since it was getting kind of heavy already before jumping in the pool with him. I burst out laughing when he resurfaced, sputtering out the water he inhaled.

Instead of cussing me out like I expected him to do, he stared at me, wide-eyed. It made me feel insecure, so I crossed my arms across my chest, averting my eyes from him.

"What are you looking at, asshole?" I muttered, blush creeping on my cheeks. I started to regret taking my shirt off and so I made a move to retrieve it.

But he grabbed my arm and gently pulled me towards him. "Nothing, it's just—wow, sweetheart, where have you been all my life?"

I rolled my eyes. "I've always been around, but you're just too egoistical to notice others than yourself and hot bimbos."

"You're hot too," he said, looking at me from head to toe. "Not only that, but you're beautiful, babe."

"Yeah, I know," I joked, not really knowing what to say. Truthfully, I didn't know how to handle this much attention or compliments, so my vain alternate ego just speaks for me.

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