Chapter 32: The Mansion

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I'm obsessed, I'm embarrassed
I don't trust no one around us
I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new

"Home, sweet home."

Ryder breathed in as we got out of his limo, which was really cool by the way, while I smiled as flakes of snow fell on my shoulders. Zachary was still muttering how stupid I was since when we were in the limousine, Ryder poured us champagne and I stupidly spilled some on myself. Now, I had alcohol stain on my Christmas sweater, but I didn't really care since I was finally in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I looked around the place and I gasped. Ryder's house—wait, no, mansion took up an enormous space. I whirled around to realize that we were kind of in the middle of nowhere, the mansion surrounded by pine trees that had been kissed by the white snow. I felt like I just walked into a Disney movie as I gazed up to the light gray walled and dark blue roofed mansion that Ryder called home. It actually looked like palace, with all the pointy roofs and beautifully bricked walls. Their windows were wide and even though they were nicely curtained, I could tell there was good lighting inside. There was even a fountain right in the middle of the huge lot, with a display of the seven nymphs from Greek mythology.

I heard the click of the camera, snapping me out of my fantasies about this being a magical castle. I whirled around to see Ryder behind his camera again.

"Don't take pictures of me," I frowned, hiding behind my hair. I was usually confident, but I didn't really like candid photos.

"Why?" he asked, a grin plastered on his face. "Beautiful things need to be captured, you know?"

A blush shot up to my face even though that was corny as hell, but it cooled down when Zachary started gagging loudly.

The door swung open after Ryder shoved him, revealing a prestigious looking man, who was about mid 60s in a suit.

I suddenly felt underdressed with my sweater (with a special design of champagne stain) and joggers.

"Phineas, hey!" Ryder greeted the man with a hug.

Phineas hugged him swiftly and straightened his suit once Ryder let go.

"You're late, sir," he clicked his tongue at Ryder before bowing at Zachary and I. "Good afternoon, sir Zachary and..."

"Sweetheart, this is the family butler, Phineas," he introduced. The butler's eyebrows shot up at 'sweetheart' as he shook my hand. "Phineas, this is Kath."

"And it's actually her fault why we're late," Zachary added, sneering at me.

Since Minnesota was a really far face from California, it was a bit difficult for my dad to let me go on this trip. He held be back earlier, reprimanding me to come with two boys he barely knew. After telling him that I just needed time away from home, away from all their drama and that I'd text him every hour, he finally let me go.

"Sorry, princess, not everyone has parents who don't care," I shot back.

He replied with a heavy glare that made me feel like I was crushed. I winced, knowing fully well I said something insensitive.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that—"

"Shut it, blondie," he snapped. "I don't care."

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