Chapter 15: The New Deal

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I'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine
But I still wanna break your heart and make you cry 

Zachary arched an eyebrow at me, his blue eyes looking like it could strike me down in any minute. He seemed a bit angry, probably from being made fun of in those pages with our snarky little comments.

But I couldn't help but notice the slight flare of interest and amusement in his eyes.

"Where did you get that?" I asked hastily, trying to snatch my notebook away. He simply dodged my hand, his face getting nearer to mine, studying me.

"You really shouldn't be leaving it around," he tutted. "It's like you're dying to get caught."

I exhaled through my nose, my heart beating loudly. "Please give it back."

He shook his nose with his nose crinkled, teasing me. "Not if you explain this to me first."

"You probably read it already," I chided, watching him closely. "I'm sure you understand what's going on."

"Mhm," he hummed nonchalantly. "And I'm not happy with this."

I rolled my eyes. "You expect me to say sorry? Well, that's never going to happen. You all deserve that anyway. The only thing I'm sorry about is that I got caught."

His blue eyes turned darker. He was glaring at me as he walked towards me, and I backed away from him until I hit the wall.

"I don't exactly like getting made fun of, Katherine," he growled in my ear with his arm caging me.

"You shouldn't have been such a douchebag then." I spat, staring up at him with a glare of my own.

He looked at me for a second before letting me go, flipping through pages as he took pictures of it with his phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked slowly, watching him closely because I knew I wouldn't be able to get my notebook back even if I tried anyway.

"In return of my silence on this stupidity," he began, not answering my question as he handed me back my notebook, "you'll do me a favor."

"It's not a favor if you're holding on to all that pictures," I gulped, eyeing his phone. "That's blackmail."

"That's why you have to do it," he said. "So that this won't go spreading around."

I sighed deeply. "Fine. What kind of 'favor?'"

"It's simple actually. When it's time to break Ryder's heart," he paused, his face suddenly turning into a menacing look. "I want you to crush it, yeah? The kind where he wouldn't be able to breathe from such heartbreak, I want him to hurt."

Even though I was never really scared of the self-proclaimed bad boy that was Zachary, I couldn't help but feel a little terrified at the sight of his sinister looking face. His usual light blue eyes turned dark blue that reminded me of the ocean when it was restless and disturbed by a storm. His eyebrows were furrowed in anger and his jaw was clenching so bad, I was scared for his teeth.

My head was spinning from the weirdness of the whole situation. As far as I knew, Ryder and Zachary had been best friends for as long as I could remember. I thought he'd kill me for sure when he found out about the little game I was doing, especially if it was meant to hurt him and his best friend, but he seemed actually... a bit hopeful?

The question is, hopeful for what?

I wanted to ask why he wanted me to do that so bad, but I bit my lip, keeping myself from doing so. I had a feeling he'd bite my head off if I asked.

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