Chapter 33: The Horse

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You'll be saying, "No, no"
Then saying, "Yes, yes, yes"
'Cause she messin' with your head
Oh, she's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho

I couldn't stop my teeth from chattering, which was why I was glaring the back of Zachary's head when we stopped in front of the stables.

Couldn't he have brought me somewhere warm instead?

"What are we doing here?" I asked, dusting the snow out of my eyes.

Instead of responding, he opened the stable door, revealing eight horses.

I instantly noticed the white horse from the pictures in the red room, the one Aly was riding on. This was the stable in the picture in Ryder's room, the one he wanted me to keep out of.

"Choose," he said as he let out a black horse.

It was no question. I chose the white one.

He showed no other emotion about my choice rather than a slight raise of his eyebrows.

"That's Samphire," he informed me as he let her out. The white horse whinnied at the mention of her name and rubbed her nozzle on Zachary's arm. He gently patted her mane before gesturing to the black one. "And this one's Blackjack."

He pulled them outside with their leashes as he held onto horse riding equipment.

"Did a certain bookworm name these two?" I asked, eyeing Samphire.

"Yeah," he replied as he put on saddles on the horses. "Logan named them. How did you know?"

"Their names are familiar," I smiled to myself, remembering Logan's fondness of Blackjack from Percy Jackson and Samphire from Samphire Song.

He hummed in response, busy with fixing the horses up. After a few minutes, he easily mounted on Blackjack.

"Well?" he raised an eyebrow when I simply stared at him.

I gaped at him. "How the hell do I do that?"

"Just climb on her."

I looked at Samphire after glaring at him, determined to ride her. I took a few steps back for momentum before charging towards her, letting out a battle cry. Just right after I jumped, Samphire whinnied and bolted away, leaving me to land on the cold snow.

Zachary snickered at my effort before dismounting Blackjack. I thought it was to help me up, but he only ran after Samphire to calm her down. I stood up and dusted the snow off of me, grumbling profanities under my breath. Blackjack was looking at me, judging me with those beady eyes, and I flipped him off as a response.

He flipped his hair and snorted at me.

"That's not how you ride a horse, you dimwit," he sighed once he came back with Samphire. "Extend your hand to her."

I was taken aback by his request, but judging by the cold look in his eyes, he was dead serious.

"Then?" I inquired once I reluctantly did so, quirking an eyebrow.

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