Chapter 16: The Locker

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One kiss is all it takes
Fallin' in love with me

Everybody had routines.

Mine, for example, was to wake up, drive my brother and Selena, then, go to school, learn, and train. After all of that, I wouldn't have to worry about anything and would just go to sleep peacefully.

It was fairly simple, my routine, and I was contented with it.

But now everything was different.

Being a player was harder than it looked. It required effort and dedication, and although I was really dedicated person, I wasn't big on effort on people. It was kind of fun socializing and having people notice me, even when most of them called me a slut, but it was also tiring that it drained me to my core. I didn't even have time to watch my favorite series—let alone have my alone time. I didn't understand how the Playboys managed to do things like this all these years and how they managed to stay sane.

Another thing that changed in my routine was that Logan drove me to school now, with his beautiful black Porsche. Well, he used a jeep when Selena and Karl were with us, but when it was just us two, he used his Porsche.

And as of the moment, it was just us two.

"I still don't understand why you're willing to wake up this early to drive me to school." I told him as I fastened my seatbelt.

There was a silent mutual understanding not to talk about what happened the last time, when he basically called me his tragedy. He probably regretted saying that out loud and I didn't want to talk about how I freaked, so neither of us brought it up.

He shrugged, starting the car. "I don't mind waking up this early. Also, it gives me the chance to study in advance."

"Nerd." I coughed, making him roll his eyes at me.

Coach requested a morning training, something he did often, especially since our competition was near. I had to wake up and go to school earlier than usual, so Karl and Selena weren't with me. I told Logan this last night, and yet he still insisted to drive me to school, as usual.

It had been my new routine for a few days now, and I regret to say that I've been getting used to it.

In the past few days, I've been pouring my attention to Logan, who Zachary confirmed was really falling for me. I would also occasionally hang out with Ivan and Ryder, just to make sure they were still close to me.

Sometimes, when Logan and I were at his house reading together silently side by side, I found it hard to imagine that I was going to break his heart someday. I was growing more comfortable with him, and him with me. I even let myself consider not doing it, given that Logan wasn't even hanging out with any other girl except me.

It just felt so calm being with him, like he was a spa day in the middle of a hectic week. He was so relaxing to be with him that I didn't need much effort hanging out with him. He had that much effect on me, and I didn't want it to end.

To avoid being sleepy in training, I turned up the volume of the radio, bursting out the lyrics of I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys. I belted out the chorus as Logan occasionally glanced at me, laughing at my loudness in the morning.

"Join me!" I invited just before the chorus. He shook his head at me, making me pout.

"Tell me why?" I sang, pointing to him to continue.

He stared at me for a moment before giving in. "Ain't nothing but a heartache?"

I burst out laughing. If there was something Logan wasn't good at, it was singing. "Tell me why?"

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