Chapter 17: The Condom

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My happy little pill
Take me away
Dry my eyes
Bring color to my skies

Even though I had already confirmed to myself that Logan was falling for me, I was still shocked that he actually confessed.

And so I did what I usually do.

I ran away.

"What?" Zoe spat our, eyes wide in disbelief. "You told him you had to do go and do your homework?"

I grimaced, nodding in confirmation.

Jadine shook her head, as if she was severely disappointed in me. "You just pulled a Logan."

"I know," I grimaced.

"I still can't believe you guys kissed and didn't tell me about it," Zoe huffed, crossing her arms. "We're supposed to be besties."

"Okay, don't say besties," Jade butted in, looking at Zoe with disapproval. "But I have to agree, Kath, I thought we were in this together."

It was the next morning after the confession, and we were currently in front of Zoe's locker. I called for an urgent meeting and immediately spilled the tea about what happened in Logan's house, including our little kiss.

I smiled sheepishly, my shoulders almost touching my ears. "I'm sorry? Look, I felt bad that it happened—the kiss made me feel kind of like a..."

"Slut?" Natalya filled in, appearing out of thin hair. She raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me, her lips formed into a pleasant smirk. "Well, you basically confirmed it, Kit Kat. At least you finally came to terms to what you really are."

"Natalya." The three of us growled.

She flipped her black hair, blinding us with her white, pearly teeth. "The one and only."

"I kissed a boy once, Natty," I emphasized, glaring at her and her little clique surrounding us. "You probably kissed more than a boy and it was probably more than once."

She fluttered her think lashes, putting a hand over her chest. "Whatever do you mean, Katherine?"

Zoe grabbed Natalya by her shirt, glaring at her menacingly. "You're lucky I'm against slut shaming, Natty, but I swear to God if you call my best friend a slut again, I will throw up and hit you hard like I'm just serving a volleyball," she spat, looking as crazy as her hair. Natalya's eyes opened wide for a fraction of a second but quickly replaced it with a smug look, as if she was happy that she managed to get to our skin. "Capiche?"

The she-witch rolled her eyes, but I could tell she was just as frightened at Zoe as Jade and I were. She nodded ever so slightly, making Zoe let go of her.

"As you wish, Zo-zo."

She finally walked away with that, leaving me with a very triggered Zoe and a highly confused Jadine.

Okay, I should probably explain. Once upon a time, Natalya, Zoe, and I were the little circle that everyone wanted to be part of. We always had the best sleepovers, the cutest matching outfits, and the funnest summers together.

And for some weird reason, Natalya was big on nicknames, hence Natty, Zo-zo, and Kit Kat. We were younger back then, so we really didn't mind being called those corny nicknames. How could little Kit Kat even mind when every other person just wanted to have a nickname made by the ever so lovely Natalya?

But of course, the little circle wasn't complete without the last member:


"You okay?" Jade asked Zoe quietly, placing a hand on her shoulder.

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