Chapter 24: The Snakes

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Now we've got problems
And I don't think we can solve 'em
You made a really deep cut
And, baby, now we've got bad blood

I strode in the hallway nonchalantly, acting like nothing happened.

But of course something happened, and people wouldn't let me forget about that. They all stared at me as I walked, whispering among themselves.

Since the day I rejected Ivan, I had heard nothing but people talking about me being a such a whore.

I learned not to be surprised that people found out about it quickly. Of course rejecting yet another Playboy was a huge thing for people who had nothing else to do with their lives. Me breaking Ivan Miller's heart was a steaming, hot tea that just had to be spilled my the whole high school population.

I saw Twitter rants of high schoolers about how much of a slut I was, I heard all sorts of insults whenever I passed by, and right now, I could hear their whispers like snakes hissing before they prey on their food.

Funny how I break two of the Playboys' hearts and I was immediately labelled a stone cold bitch when what I did was nothing compared to what they did. The two of them could never amount to all the girls they had used.

As I walked through the halls holding my books, I maneuvered from people to avoid hitting them. Despite my efforts, some girl deliberately blocked my way, making me trip and drop all my books. Luckily, I didn't fall down, but my books did. I sighed as I picked it all about while the girl walked away, laughing.

I picked up all my books except one more that was in the farther side, and I was about to get it when someone beat me to it.

"Here," a dark-skinned girl with wilder hair than Zoe said as she handed me my book. I accepted it and we stood up together.

I recognized her immediately since she was in a few of my classes. She was the one who had everything—papers, pens, staplers, you name it, she has it.

"Thanks, Dakota," I smiled gratefully.

"Hey," she began, putting a hand on my shoulder before leaving. "I just wanted to say that to me, you're not a whore or a heartless slut. Those guys deserve it. In fact, you're actually my hero."

My heart fluttered. "That's—That's so sweet. I really needed that. Thank you again, Dakota."

She grinned at me. "Anytime, Kath. And just so you know, I'm not the only one who think you're amazing."

Just as she said that, few girls turned in my direction, girls I recognized as Logan and Ivan's ex-girlfriends, waved and gave me a smile, making me feel happy all over.

She winked at me once last time before skipping away, leaving me alone with a huge, happy smile on my face.

Yes, I had a hard time accepting that I broke hearts and sometimes thinking about that made it hard for me to breathe, but right in this moment, where girls like me felt justified, I felt like I could get through it. Seeing those girls finally contented because the one who hurt them got their karma made me want to continue this journey, even though it drained me to my core.

They made me think my stress and struggles were worth it.

And that was enough for me to get through my day.


"Thanks, Aly," I thanked my teammate after she stretched my arm. I rotated my arm, feeling minimal pain.

"No problem," she replied as she glanced at my arm unsurely. "Are you sure you're fine? It's the first time you asked me to stretch your shoulder."

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