Chapter 12: The Band

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'Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far
It'll leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar

"You need to step up your game."

"Hello to you too, Zoe." I said flatly, slamming my locker door shut. Jade was also with her and unlike my best friend, Jade gave me a wave as a greeting.

"It's Friday and you haven't made any progress!" she exclaimed, raising the mission notebook for emphasis. "Yeah sure you went on little dates with all four of them, but this week was boring."

I grabbed the notebook from her hands, shoving it in my bag. I didn't want people being curious about this notebook since whenever I told Zoe and Jade about my 'little dates' with the boys, they'd immediately write it all down and not miss any detail. They literally had more energy to write down my whole day with the boys than do their homework.

"Well, I'm sorry that I don't really have time to flirt," I apologized sarcastically. "Lessons are stressing me out and I'm always tired from training, you think that's my priority?"

Jade nodded in agreement, staring at Zoe pointedly.

She threw her hands up in surrender. "Whatever, just saying."

"Anyway, enough about this thing," I said as we walked away from my locker. "How's Theodore, Zo?"

"Yeah, you guys look pretty close lately," Jade added, nudging Zoe playfully.

She narrowed her eyes at us. "He's okay, I guess. Why are you asking me about him?"

Just as she asked that, Theodore passed by in front of us. I shook my head at him with an amused smile, noticing the Harry Potter shirt he was wearing.

"Hey Theodore!" I called, making him walk towards us. "Nice shirt."

"It's so cute!" Zoe cooed, admiring his shirt with all four of the houses on it. "What's your house?"

His confident smile after being called cute disappeared. "Um..."

"Ravenclaw!" Jade covered up. "He's in Ravenclaw, like me."

Theodore let out a sigh of relief before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, that. What about you?"

I rolled my eyes at Theodore. I told him to learn about Harry Potter, how could he not know the basic things about it?

"Proud Gryffindor right here," she stated proudly. "And Kath here is a Slytherin."

"Oh nice," he said, probably not knowing what to say.

"Oh, right, I forgot I had to... go meet Natalie." Jade announced, throwing me a side-glance.

"I'll come with you," I offered. "I have to drop off this book as well."

Zoe threw us suspicious glances but before she could investigate us further, we fast walked away from them. We slowed down when we were far enough, high-fiving each other for being cupids. As it turned out, Natalie was never looking for Jade, so I asked her to come with me to put two books in Logan's locker; the book he lent me and a book of my choice for him to read.

There were good news and bad news about his locker. Good news: there was no one around his locker. Bad news: his locker was locked and I didn't know the code.

I tried jamming in a bobby pin in the lock, but it wouldn't budge. I was about to give up and just hand All The Bright Places and The Beginning of Everything to him in person when Jade grabbed the bobby pin from me and unlocked it easily.

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