Chapter 21: The Fort

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And when the world gets loud
Baby you can rest your love on me

It was a bit hard to convince my parents to not make me go home immediately and hang out with Ivan.

"Who the hell is Ivan anyway?" Dad asked through the phone. "I've never heard of an Ivan."

"He's a friend." I explained tiredly for the umpteenth time.

More than, Ivan mouthed, waggling his eyebrows. I shoved him away from the other side of my phone playfully, but he came back.

"What's he like?" Mom questioned, judgment evident in her voice.

"He's tall, dark, and not handsome at all," I replied, sticking my tongue out at a very wounded looking Ivan.

"Do Zoe and Jade know him?"

"Oh, for the love of God darling, just let her go!" I heard my Grams say in the background. "It's not like she's running around getting pregnant!"

Ivan and I snickered at my Grams.


"No buts. When you were her age, all you did was stalk Charles around and go out with him. Did I reprimand you? No, I didn't, and look where you are now." Grams said strictly.

Even though my parents were married (duh), I could imagine my mom blushing and my dad waggling his eyebrows suggestively at her.

"Mom!" she exclaimed, sounding embarrassed. I could hear Dad laughing at her.

"What?" Grams asked innocently. "It's the truth."

Mom sighed loudly. "Fine, Kath. You can go."

"Okay, bye!" I hung up before she could change her mind.

"Your family's weird," Ivan stated as I put my phone in my pocket.

"But you're still weirder," I retorted. "So, where are we going?"

"Anywhere, babe, as long as I'm with you." He winked.

I shot him a flat look. "Seriously, where?"

"I'm actually not sure," he admitted after chuckling at me. "I didn't expect you to say yes."

Truthfully, I wouldn't have, but I was really stressed from today and Ivan seemed like the perfect person to cheer me up. He didn't have to know I was having a bad day to make me laugh and have a good time, and that was what I needed right now.

"I'm good anywhere," I shrugged. "I just don't wanna go home, it's boring there."

His eyes lit up, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "What about my house?"

My lips spread into an innocent smile. "Where we can build forts and watch movies?"

I rubbed my hands together in anticipation, making Ivan burst out laughing.

"Exactly! We can even cuddle our stuff toys and eat popcorn!" Ivan played along in a voice octaves higher.

I cracked up. "Sounds like a plan."

"Before we go, I have to tell Wyatt and the others I'm leaving," he said, pointing backwards.

I nodded. "I'm going to the bathroom while you're at it."

He jogged over to wherever his friends were while I walked to the bathroom.

As I was walking, I noticed by Zachary trudging in my direction, but not towards me. He seemed to be brooding, his thick eyebrows pulled down and a glare plastered on his face. Even though his hands were jammed in the pockets of his hoodie, I could tell they were clenched.

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