Chapter 7: The Drunk

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It was a fast night, we can take it slow
There were fist fights, red lights
Running 'til I crashed into you
I got my ass kicked, but you held the ice

Ivan and I were running to the parking lot.


Because there was an angry mob with huge forks and torches running after us.

Okay, I was exaggerating. It was only a group of guards.

After my little squeak at the bathroom, the guards went outside. Ivan and I went out when we felt like the coast was clear, but of course, life doesn't work that way. The guards were waiting outside, ready to pounce. Ivan grabbed my hand and started pulling me away, getting out of my surprised daze.

We were doing a lot of running today.

"I order you teenagers to stop!" One of the guards yelled, as if it was really going to make a difference. "Let's talk about this whole fiasco in a mature manner."

I almost snorted. We were far from mature.

"That's your car, right?" Ivan asked, nodding his head to my red Mercedes.

I didn't bother answering. I unlocked my car with my keys while Ivan went in through the passenger seat. I put my seatbelt on at the driver's seat, starting the car.

"Step on it, Kath!" Ivan said in panic when the guards were coming nearer.

"I am not stepping on it until you put a seatbelt on!"

He looked at me in disbelief. "Now's not the time to be cautious—"

"Just put the damn seatbelt on!" I cut him off, eyeing him seriously.

He put his seatbelt on, and I stepped on it. I drove past the tired and sweaty looking guards as Ivan rolled down his window and flipped them off. We looked at each other when we were far enough, before bursting into laughter.

"Well, that was pee-leasant experience," he joked.

I grimaced at the mention of pee and also at his painful pun. "No, the pee thing is far behind us, let's not reminisce about that. Also, that was a terrible pun."

"Hey, it was clever," he pouted, defending himself. "But really, I had a blast. I didn't expect to have a chase with you when I went to the mall today."

To be honest, I was getting worried for myself. I actually had fun with him, along with Logan. I thought I would be miserable doing this bet, but instead, I was having the time of my life. If Kaden were here, he wouldn't believe that I was his sister.

The sister he knew wouldn't be caught red-handed laughing with boys she always made fun of.

I glanced at Ivan, taking in his curly brown hair and hazel eyes filled with amusement. He was looking at something at his phone, his lips quirked up like how it usually was. I looked like I was wearing a potato sack while wearing the hoodie we bought, but he looked fine as hell.

"Eyes on the road, Kath," he smirked, not even looking up from his phone. I blushed, immediately looking away from him.

What was wrong with me? I was going soft for these boys, and I clearly underestimated their power. I shook my head and mentally reminded myself not to get distracted.

I noticed Ivan opening his mouth to probably torment me, but then my phone rang. I answered it in a flash, thankful that it rang to save me from embarrassment.

"Where are you?" the voice from the other side demanded with an irritated tone. It wasn't hard to tell that it was Karl.

My eyes widened as the events from before the mall came crashing through. I got too distracted by Ivan and the stupid chase around the mall that I forgot to bring the groceries home!

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