Chapter 25: The Ghost

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I see your monsters
I see your pain
Tell me your problems
I'll chase them away

"I still can't believe you surpassed me in this place," Grams said as she glanced around my hospital room. "I should be the one here. Although I prefer my room to be funky, you know what I mean?"

She wiggled her drawn eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes at her. "No, Grams. If ever you really end up being admitted here, I will not bring male strippers into your room."

Zachary furrowed his eyebrows at this while my grandma frowned.

"You ruin all the fun," she huffed, crossing her short arms. "I'm going out to find some hot doctor to have some real fun."

She actually stepped outside and flipped her white hair, leaving Zachary and I alone.

The doctor said I could stay overnight with adult supervision or I could admit myself here since I did have a concussion and minor fractured ribs. I still had to wait on my results with my shoulder too. I obviously didn't want to go home since my parents would find out and overreact, so my Grams and I decided that I stay here. She signed the papers, did the adult stuff, and promised me she won't tell my parents as long as I allowed her to roam around freely.

We had an agreement.

"I told you she was psychotic," I said to Zachary, who was on the chair beside my bed.

"I see where you got it from," he tutted, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Being psychotic, I mean."

I shrugged. I knew I was crazy anyway.

"You can go home, you know," I urged him for the umpteenth time. "You don't have to stay with me, the doctor said I'm fine. Besides, isn't it past visiting hours?"

As if on cue, a nurse in her mid 50s entered.

Zachary froze into his spot as the nurse zeroed in at him.

"Why are you here?" she demanded, and I immediately understood that she was not the nice nurse everyone seemed to have in movies or books.

To try and cover up that no one was hear, I furrowed my eyebrows at her and looked around me confusedly. "Who are you talking to?"

She raised an eyebrow at me, pointing at Zachary. "Him!"

I followed her finger and continued to act confused. "What? There's no one here. Are you playing a joke with me right now, a sick patient?"

She furrowed her eyebrows as well, looking disarrayed. "I'm not joking! There's definitely a boy behind you, he even has black hair, blue eyes, and a well defined jaw line!"

"Puh-lease, if someone as gorgeous as you described was here, I would've noticed." I snorted. Zachary smirked, almost blowing our cover, but then he covered it up with a creepy smile.

All I wanted was to burst out in laughter while the nurse looked like she was going to piss her pants.

"Then what am I seeing?" she questioned as she fidgeted with her hands nervously.

I closed my eyes and acted as though I was being shocked. I widened my eyes when I opened it, gasping.

"I have an experience with supernatural beings," I asserted seriously, all emotions devoid from my face. "I can feel him."

All color left her face. She shook with fear, and she was biting her nails in an agitated manner. "Is that possible?"

I nodded solemnly. "Well, this is a hospital. Many people die here. Fortunately, this ghost is a... wanderer. He just wants to be left alone."

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