Chapter 31: The Picture

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I want to see you smile
Let me take your picture, baby
I'll save it for a rainy day

I woke up to the sight of bright hazel eyes staring at me.

To say I was surprised was an understatement.


Because I punched whoever owned those eyes.

"Shit!" Ryder yelped, his hand caressing his cheek as he sat up. "Kath, what the fuck?"

I sat up in surprise, my eyes wide. "I'm sorry! I was just shocked, I didn't know who you were for a second, so I panicked!"

"Most people scream when they're in shock!" he winced, massaging his cheek. "What is wrong with you?"

I smiled apologetically, rubbing my eyes to rub away the sleepiness. "Sorry, it's reflexes," I apologized before narrowing my eyes at him. "Why were you even staring at me? What's wrong with you?"

"You looked so peaceful and I wasn't used to it," he reasoned out. "And you had your arm around me, I was checking to see if you were doing it on purpose or not."

"Of course it wasn't on purpose, I was asleep!" I protested, heat rushing up to my cheeks. Did I really do that?

He smirked, but it faltered since his cheek still hurt. "Your eye twitched, sweetheart. I'd say you just wanted to feel my muscles."

As if on cue, he flexed.

I threw a pillow in his face. "I was asleep. I'm going down to get you ice, maybe that'll shut you up."

He ran in front of me before I could even open the door.

"No," he objected sternly, his eyes trailing down to my still bare legs. "You are not going down like that."

"Oh, my God, stop exaggerating, everyone has legs!" I threw up my hands. "It's not like I'm just wearing lingerie!"

"Can you just wear pants please?" he sighed.

Even though Ryder Rowland actually said please, I turned him down.

"I don't want to," I denied, making him sigh again. "Your hoodie is long enough anyway, stop worrying."

"That dude is going to stare at you creepily, I'm not taking any chances," he chided, a stern look on his face. "Just stay here, I'm going down myself."

He narrowed his eyes at me and closed the door, leaving me alone in the motel room. I sighed and lied back on the bed. I looked to my right to see Ryder's dead phone, making me remember that my phone was dead as well.

I looked at the motel phone on the bedside table, face-palming myself. We could've just called the lobby downstairs instead of arguing about who was going down.

I pressed the phone to my ear and pressed the button that said 'lobby.' After a ring, it was answered by a lady.

"What can I help you with?" she asked nicely, also with British accent.

I was disappointed that it wasn't Alexander, but I guess this was his relative or something.

"Do you guys happen to have an iPhone charger?" I inquired.

"No, but we can lend you ours," she replied. "I'll send someone to room 123 for that charger. Will that be all, miss?"

"Yes, thank you."

I put the phone down and went to the bathroom to freshen up. I washed my face and brushed my teeth with the motel toothbrush before studying myself on the mirror. My hair was a mess, so I tied it up into a messy bun. My skin was dry and I wasn't feeling so fresh, thanks to the stress my brother caused me. My eyes zeroed in on Ryder's hoodie, which was very comfortable and enormous on me.

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