Chapter Eight- Luke.

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We've been traveling for awhile, Rey says we'll get there soon.
Chewbacca and R2-D2 have been asking me questions the whole entire time, it's really getting annoying.

I start getting very nervous, I'm going to be reuniting with my twin sister, Leia.
I imagine she's still upset about her son turning and killing his own father, I mean, who wouldn't be?

"We should be here in about... five minutes." Rey informs me.

I watch as we pass by the planets, and I spot Naboo, a planet which some of my family grew up on. I'd love to visit there. I also spot my old planet, Tatooine. I don't care for that place, but I would visit it if I had to.

"So, are you excited to see Leia?" Rey asks.

"Yes, I am. How about you? Are you excited to see anyone?" I reply.



"A friend! And a droid, and Leia." She explains.

"Friend? You have a friend!" I grin.

"Uhh. Yeah, why do you care?"

"No reason! Just.. my daughter had trouble making friends."

"You have a daughter?"

"Daughter? Did I say daughter? I didn't mean daughter I mean.. Padawan!" I lie.

"Kyra... you told me about her." She replies. "No offense, but if she's anything like me she's probably weird."

"She.. she was definitely different..."

"How did you lose her?"

"What?" I ask.

"How did you lose her... why don't you train her anymore?" She asks.

"She.. um... she um uh huh.. she died....."

"Oh! Oh my.. that was... I'm sorry.. um I just called her weird... crap."

"You didn't know.. it's not your fault." I lie again.

A few minutes pass and we're very close. We'll probably be there in the next minute or two. I'm extremely nervous and I'm probably going to an anxiety attack in any moment.

"Chewy, R2-D2, Luke, we're here."

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now