Chapter Thirty Two- Poe.

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I sit silently in the cell, staring at the cell door.

I glance over at Finn. He's quiet. He doesn't make a sound. All he does is blankly stare at the door. While Rose tries to cover the tears coming from her eyes.

The words replay in my mind.

Lyra and Rey died.

And it's all your fault.

I could scream. But I don't think I'm strong enough to do so at the moment.

My best friend is gone. And so is my little sister.

How am I supposed to go on?

I give Finn a worried glance.

He and Phasma ended up getting in a fight after hearing the news. Long story short, his emotions got the best of him and he ended up surrendering himself.

Now he's here, sitting in a cell with Rose and I, waiting for the people who will never come.

"I can't believe it." Rose says, finally breaking the silence. "They're really gone. We'll never see them again. And it's because of me."

"No," I argue. "it's because of me."

"The both of you are wrong." Finn says. "It's my fault. This is all my fault. I sensed something was wrong. But I didn't do anything about it until the next day."

"Finn you can't blame yourself." Rose states. "This, none of this, is your fault."

"Really, Rose?" Finn asks. "I'm doing the same exact thing the two of you are doing."

"Yeah, but you know what, you've been blaming yourself this WHOLE entire time!" Rose snaps. "So stop it!"

"THE TWO OF YOU!" I scream. "STOP! This isn't your fault, it's not mine either. Because you want to know who's fault it is? It's Luke's. Everything that's happened these past thirteen years have been Luke's fault. He couldn't train Ben, he couldn't raise his daughter, he couldn't do anything! And he was selfish enough to leave his sister and brother in law because he couldn't face them."

Silence fills the room.

"I don't want to talk anymore." Finn says quietly. "So no one bug me."

"Yeah," I mutter. "Same."

"Same with me." Rose says, looking to the floor.

Suddenly the door opens.

A stormtrooper stands before us, roughly shoving a girl with dark brown hair into the room.

"You know I could break every bone in your body while naming them!" The girl snaps as the door closes. "YOU BETTER CLOSE THIS DOOR! Or I-I... I don't know what I'm going to do."

Immediately I recognize her voice.

"Lyra?" I ask, standing up with my eyes wide.

She turns around quickly. Both confusion and shock fill her face. "Poe?"

I quickly walk towards her, and we hug. "They said you died."

"They said you died." She says. "They said they shot you. You were dead."

"So were you."

We break apart, and I notice tears streaming down Lyra's face.

"F-Finn," she says, looking past me.

"I already know." Finn states quietly, keeping his attention on the floor. "Rey's dead."

"I'm sorry," Lyra cries. "I am so sorry, Finn. This is my fault."

"We already covered it was Luke's fault." Finn says. "So don't you go and blame yourself."

"Where's Kay?" Rose asks. "They didn't kill him, did they?"

"No, he got away." Lyra shakes her head. "Thankfully."

"I kind of hope he tells your parents about what happened so they come and get us." I say. "Is that terrible?"

"No," Lyra says. "I kind of knew I wouldn't last too long, so I sort of sent him off just so he could warn the others so they could get us out of here."

"You say so a lot."


Lyra's head rest tiredly on my shoulder.

It's been at least four hours since we were caught. Rose and Finn are now both asleep, which isn't too surprising, and Lyra is staring off.

"They told me Rey suffered before she died." Lyra says quietly. "I'm trying to tell myself it's a lie."

"I don't believe anything they say." I state. "They said you were dead, and you aren't."

"So you think it's possible Rey's alive?" Lyra asks.

"I don't know." I admit. "Maybe. Maybe not."

Suddenly the cell door flies open, revealing three stormtroopers, all holding blasters.

"NO I DID NOT EAT YOUR CHOCOLATE PUDDING I SWEAR!" Rose shouts as wakes up, causing Finn to scream.

"You scared me." Finn states, placing a hand on his heart. "Am I dead?"

"Come on," one stormtroopers sighs. "we have strict orders to take you to Master Ren."

"Good." Finn mutters. "I'm going to kill him."

"Enough with wanting to kill people!" Rose mutters.

"Yes Rosie." Finn sighs, walking out the door, a stormtrooper following behind.

Afterwards, we're all directed towards a huge red room, bright lights all around.
Kylo Ren; or as we used to know him, Ben, sits in the center of the room.

"Well, what do we have here?" He says, an evil smirk appearing on his pale face. "Poe, Lyra, Rose, and FN-2187."

"It's Finn." Finn corrects.

"Oh, my bad." Kylo says. "I forgot your friend named you."

"What do you want, Ben?" I ask. "First you kill Han, and then you go and kill Rey. Really, what do you want with us?"

"Wait- kill Rey?" Kylo asks. "I'm personally offended you though I'd do something like that. Kill Rey? I'd never kill my little cousin."

"They said you shot her!" Finn snaps. "If you didn't kill her, then where the heck is she?"

Kylo smirks again, turning away from us. I feel anger rising inside of me. And I know they feel the same way.

"Welp, come on, show them what they want to see." Kylo speaks aloud, stepping into the shadows.

Suddenly, a cloaked figure wearing black walks out of the darkness and into the lights, revealing them self.


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