Chapter Fifty Eight- Leia.

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I walk throughout the base, scanning my surroundings.

This base is surprisingly different compared to the others. It reminds me a lot of the base on Hoth. It's very cold. Only it never snows. So it's not identical. But it has its similarities.

We only chose this planet because of how empty it is.

Only that was twelve years ago.

Now there's a small number of villages, a few other bases, and a large amount of animals.

On the bright side, the Porgs are making new friends.

"Hey, Leia," Poe says, walking up to me. "We were exploring the new planet, and there's a whole entire village burnt to the ground? What happened?"

"There is?" I ask. "I didn't know of this. Can you show me it?"

"Sure." Poe says. "Come on."

I follow behind him.


After an hour of walking, we reach the small burnt down village. There's deceased bodies scattered around with blaster wounds in their backs.

The sight is utterly terrifying.

"Oh gosh," I mutter.

In the corner of my eye, I see two people laying next to each other.

A man and a women.

They're holding hands.

It's definitely a depressing sight to see.

I look around to see that there's still one cottage that isn't completely burnt down.

"Leia, don't!" Poe exclaims. "It could be a trap."

"It's not." I state. "I don't know how I know, I just know."

He nods, and I walk inside.

Inside of the cottage, is a burnt table and chairs. There's some holos hung up, that miraculously survived the fire.

I pick one of them up, and look at it.

On this holo, I see the same exact man and women that I saw outside.

The man has olive skin with light auburn hair and a small mouth, while the women has fair skin with light hazel eyes and a button nose.

They just seem so ... young.

They almost look about the same age as Lyra and Poe.

"Wow," Poe says silently. "this is ... bad. Very bad."

I continue to walk throughout the cottage.

I finally come across a room, painted a light peach color. There is a very destroyed rocking chair in the corner of the room, and in the center there's a small brown bassinet crib.

I gasp, bringing a hand up to my mouth.

The couple.

They weren't just a couple.

They were parents.

They had a baby.

And now, now they're dead.

"Who do you think did it?" Poe asks, looking throughout the nursery. "I mean, I have an idea who did it, I'm just not 100% sure."

"It was him." I state, closing my eyes, trying to block out the awful sight. "It was Kylo."


"We searched most of the planet," Rey informs. "by the looks of it, all of the houses were broken into and destroyed."

"What!?" Bodhi exclaims, rushing into the room. "What do you mean?"

"I mean what I said." Rey states.

"Rey, lose the sass."

"Yes Master Luke Skywalker." Rey sighs. "I'm sorry, Mr. Rook."

"It's okay - and call me Bodhi." Bodhi replies. "Anyway, what do you mean by 'they were destroyed'?"

"Well, most of them were burnt down." Rey explains. "The ones who weren't, however, were broken into and destroyed from the inside. The sight was ... awful."

"Yeah, that's what I said." I reply. "It was so disturbing."

"So, wait a minute." Finn states. "If these homes were ruined, then that means the First Order got here before we did. So they're already here, right?"

"I have no idea." Rey replies. "We searched a lot of the planet, but didn't find any other bases. Then again, there's a large percentage of the planet which we haven't checked yet. So I don't know. This planet is VERY confusing."

"Um," C.J. says. "maybe my father and I could help you look?"

"Really?" Rose asks. "This place if confusing to all of us. If you think you could help then..."

"I know we could help!" He states.

"What makes you so sure?" Lyra asks.

"Because," he sighs. "this is my home planet. This is where we used to live."


Oooh, C.J. is revealing his past to everyone!

As you probably picked up on already, this planet that they're on, Crait, is the planet that Stella and her parents lived on. So the couple that Leia found, is the baby's (Stella's) parents!

This chapter was very sad to write. But the characters Audrey and Ethan were kind of throw-away characters (if that makes any sense at all?). They aren't important to the storyline like Stella is.

And, before anyone asks, I haven't decided if Stella is a force-sensitive or not. To me, it'd be interesting. But I don't know??? Please comment your opinions on that subject!

Thank you SO much for reading! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. And before I go, I just wanted to quickly say:

Today is my WattPad anniversary!

I've officially been on here for a year now. And I have so many things to say to you all! For instance, I wanted to say thank you, so THANK YOU!

You guys are amazing. Without you, I honestly doubt my account would still be up and running like it is today.

I have so much fun writing this book, and my other books, and I feel like it's because of you. Because when I write, you guys comment and vote, and that fills me with so much joy!

I wish there was a way I could repay you!

Again, thank you, thank you SO MUCH!

And really quick, here's a small story.

Last year, my sister had just shown me this AMAZING fanfiction on a website called The story was just so addictive!

(If you're interested, it's titled My Mother, written by Esme Amelia, it's a Star Wars fanfic and I totally recommend you read it.)

Anyway, to continue. I ended up finishing the story, and I just was so interested in fanfiction. Only that website was a bit too hard to use and it was kind of stressful, so my sister suggested I use this app called WattPad.

Apparently she had an account, and she had a story that she was writing on it. (Her account is Hannah_geek .I highly suggest you follow her.)

It took some convincing, but I finally decided to join. And I have never regretted it since!

Wow, this authors note is getting LONG!

So, I should probably wrap this up really quickly.

I wanted to say THANK YOU, again! And that I hope to update (and possibly end this book) before the 15th! (I've been writing nonstop, haha.)

So, see you guys later!

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now