Chapter sixteen- Finn.

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A baby, probably less than a week old, lay in his crib beside his parents bed, staring up at his mother with his big brown eyes. She picked him up and cradled him, singing him a soft lullaby. While his father worked outside, watching for any intruders.

It was when the First Order had risen. Everyone was on watch for any stormtroopers who may intrude on your property. They had no respect for space. They had no respect for anyone. They were selfish. And everyone knew it.

The planet they lived on was always bright, full of people who were filled with joy. Everyone got along with each other. And that wouldn't change, at least that's what people assumed. On that night, that cold dark night, something terrible happened.

Homes were broken into, things were stolen, people died, children were taken from their homes. Anything bad that could go wrong went wrong. Everything that was perfect was now broken. And nothing was the same.

"Captain, we've found this infant. I believe he's force-sensitive. What should we do with him?" A stormtrooper asked, holding the small, crying, baby in his arms.

"Spare him, he may be useful when he gets older." The captain replied harshly.

The stormtrooper walked off onto their ship, the baby in hand. When the captain returned, they took off. But the captain went back to look at their new stormtrooper, he picked him up and cradled him. "Welcome, FN-2187, you'll be very helpful."


"FINN!" I hear a voice shout from behind, I look around to see Poe. He's with the girl who landed on the base last night, and a girl who works in the base. Poe runs over, abandoning his friends. "Finn! There you are!" He says. "I've been hanging around those two all day! At first, I was talking with Lyra, because well we used to best friends. Then Rose shows up. And then they completely forget I'm here. They're catching up on their life. And I'm bored. And annoyed with those two. We need more boys here, I'm serious." I laugh at his rambling, then I notice he wants me to hang out with him. "Ooh! Maybe-"

"No, no, no, I'm not hanging out with you." I reply, cutting him off completely. "I don't know if you've noticed but Rey just got back and I haven't got the chance to really talk with her yet."

"Please!!! Just one minute!" Poe begs. "Rey needs more friends! I bet she's getting sick of you. Maybe she'll become best friends with Rosie and Lyra! They also need more friends cause I'm getting sick of them.."

"That's not nice." I say, he rolls his eyes. "But, fine. I guess Rey could use some friends who are girls. And I guess I haven't talked to you much since Rey got back."

"Oh, its fine! I've been ignoring you ever since Lyra got back!" Poe responds. "And if your getting Rey tell her to bring her lightsaber."

I roll my eyes before saying, "Fine, just don't ask to hold it. Rey is very picky about who holds her lightsaber. She hasn't even let me hold it, and we're best friends."

"Well, okay, you go get her and then come right back. Rose and Lyra are apparently best friends again and I'm bored."

I listen, then I go find Rey. When I find her she is with Luke, levitating objects with the force and talking. Though I don't want to be rude and interrupt their conversation, I also don't want to be the outsider of the group of best friends who knew each other since they were born. So, I walk over to Rey, shouting for her attention, and she notices and gets up, says something to Luke, then walks towards me.

"What's up, Finn?" Rey asks, grinning slightly, while crossing her arms.

"Uh.. well.. Poe wants me to meet his friends from his childhood, and I don't want to be the outsider of the group." I say. "So will you be an outsider with me?"

"Yeah, sure." Rey chuckles.

"Great! Now are you ready?" I ask.

"Yeah, I just have to tell Luke. I don't know if he's planning to train today or not." Rey says.

"Okay, I'll come with you." I reply, following Rey. We finally reach Luke.

"Hey Master Skywalker, I'm going to show Rey some of my new friends. If that's alright." I say, Luke smiles.

"That's fine!" Luke says. "Just make sure to come back at some point. You've still got lots of training ahead of you."

Rey rolls her eyes and sighs, "Okay, Luke, I won't be out too long." she says.

"Okay, have fun!" Luke shouts from behind as we walk off.


"Hello!" I shout, walking up to the group with Rey. Poe jumps and hits his head from under the ship that they were fixing. His two friends laugh, which he glares at them.

"You okay?" Rey says, holding back a laugh.

Poe looks up, then sighs. "Yes, I'm fine. But I think these ships will be the death of me."

"You said, you can fly anything. Which in reality, you can't even fix a ship without it almost killing you." Lyra points out, I laugh. "What's wrong with that?"

"Wait a minute.. you said the same thing to me. Do you just go around and lie about being able to do all that stuff?" I say. "Cause, that really isn't cool."

"Both of you, shut up." Poe says.

"Can you guys just quit arguing? We need to fix this ship." Rose says, standing up. "Also, isn't it a little rude that you haven't introduced us to your girlfr-"

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"Yeah.. sure.." Lyra says in an obviously sarcastic tone.

"I'm Rey, I've just came back with Luke." Rey introduces herself. "And I'm not Finn's girlfriend."

"Ah, too bad." Rose replies. "Cause I ship it.. I ship it so much."

"You haven't changed too much." Lyra jokes, though Poe seems to know that she's actually being serious. "Have you, Rosie?"

Rose doesn't answer, she just rolls her eyes and smiles. Then she gets back to working on the ship. "Where's Leia today? I haven't seen her."

"I think they said something about planning Han's funeral." Rey replies.

"Wait? What? Uncle Han died?" Lyra says, shocked. "When did this happen?"

"Not too long ago." Poe replies. "It happened when he confronted Ben. Things didn't end so well."

"Ben stabbed him in the chest. He didn't make it." I say. "We were too far away to help."

"Why didn't anyone tell me this?" Lyra asks.

"Because you just got back." Rose says. "And since Nathan died, we thought that might push you over the edge."

"Nathan's dead?" Poe asks. "Who killed him?"

"Stormtroopers!" Lyra shouts. "Now shut up!"

"Why doesn't anyone tell anyone anything? That's why we keep dying!" Rose shouts back. "If we were more open then we'd still be alive! Ben would be here! And Ky-"

"Rey?! Rey! Where are you going?" I shout, noticing Rey had ran off. I run after her. "What's wrong?"

"I have to go get Luke." Rey says over her shoulder, still running.

"What? Why?!" I say. "Are you alright? Is everything okay?"

"No. They're coming."

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now