Chapter Forty Seven- Luke.

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"Okay, so here's the plan," Poe announces, spreading out a roll of paper onto the table. "Luke will get Rey's present, Rose and C.J. will bake the cake, Finn is distracting Rey, and the rest of us will put up the decorations."

"A plan? Since when did you become so organized?" I ask.

"Well, Lucas, I've changed a lot these past thirteen years." Poe replies.

"Actually, it's Luke." I correct.

"Luke? Just Luke?" Poe asks. "Kinda short."

"Says Poe."

"I swear old man I will-"

"Okay!" Leia shouts. "Poe, Luke, stop it!"

"Yes mom."


"Now, come on, knowing Finn he'll probably end up telling her since neither of them can keep a secret from each other." Leia reminds.

Poe rolls his eyes. "Fine..."

"Poe, get rid of the attitude."

"Okay.." Poe sighs.

"I gotta go, Luke," Leia informs. "see you later."

I nod, watching everyone walk away.

I know exactly what I'll get Rey for her birthday.


I have no idea what to get Rey for her birthday!

Two hours.

Two hours I've been thinking!

At first I thought about getting her a new outfit - but I don't know what outfits she likes.

What's her style? Last time I bought her clothes, she was six, and she wore shirts with Ewok's and Kiros Birds on them.

She has definitely changed since then.

Now she is twenty and her style has changed completely.

I think for another ten minutes.

Then an idea pops into my mind.

I know what to get her!


I walk into the cafeteria (which isn't very big, it's actually quite small) to see Lyra, Poe, Leia, Jyn, Bodhi, and Cassian.

Lyra and Poe sit in the corner, blowing up the balloons, while Leia, Jyn, and Cassian set up the tables.

"Hey!" I greet.

"Hi," Leia smiles. "did you get Rey her present?"

"Yes!" I nod. "Yes, I did, actually. When is the party?"

"Five hours." Lyra states.

I can't help but realize that something is different about her voice.

It's higher.

"Lyra - did you suck the helium out of the balloons?!" I ask, my voice a shout-like tone.

"Yes, she did," Poe answers, his voice high as well.

"Hey, Poe, listen," Lyra says, grinning. "Luke, I am your father!"

"Actually it's just ... I am your father." I correct.

"Really?" Poe asks. "Well, all the books I've read said it was 'Luke, I am your father'."

"I remember reading that, too." Jyn states.

"Wow..." Lyra gasps, eyes wide. "Mandela effect much?"

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. "How's the cake?"

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu