Chapter Sixty Six- Rey.

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So, I'm going to apologize in advance. This chapter sucks. It's awful. I realize that. But this chapter is very important to my sequel. I hope you liked it... sort of. Sorry if doesn't make any sense.

I'm sorry. Again.

Our blades clash together.

I dodge every attempt he makes at killing me, while he does the same when I try to do the same to him. It's been about an hour since the battle began, and Luke and Snoke are still trying to defeat Snoke, however they seem to be failing at the moment.

I reach my arm out, attempting to force-throw him in the other direction, only for him to do the same.

We stay like that for awhile, until the force has enough and finally we're both thrown apart, landing on our backs just a few feet away from each other.

I immediately stand and grab my lightsaber using the force.

"Just give up already!" Kylo exclaims, grabbing his lightsaber as well. "Face it, you won't win this battle."

"I'll never give up." I state.

"Well, then I'm sorry." He states, igniting the saber, I do the same.

The battle continues.


I glance over at Luke while fighting, seeing him laying in the sand.

For a moment I panic, but it soon disappears when he stands up and grabs his lightsaber. I sigh in relief.

"You're weak," Kylo sneers. "you can't focus in a battle because you're too worried about the people closest to you. That's the problem. They make you weak."

"No, they make me human." I reply. "I'm nothing like you, Kylo. I actually care for my family, instead of stabbing them through the chest and then letting them fall. I have a heart. You've made it pretty clear that you don't."

Kylo glares at me, and somehow knocks the lightsaber out of my hands.

That's when I freeze.

I notice how Kylo has his arm reached out, just like the time he kidnapped me when I first saw him.

He's using the force against me.

Then suddenly, I'm not on Jakku anymore.

These little things flash before my eyes.

I see a man with blonde hair and a women with a reddish brown color, standing beside them is a little girl with brown hair.

They're smiling.

The scene changes.

Now it's the same little girl, only this time she's with Han, or at least someone who looks exactly like Han Solo.

"I'm sorry, kid. But you know uncle Han is a real nerfhurder when it comes to hair." Han apologizes.

And that's when I realize that the little girl is me, and the man and the women in the last memory were probably Luke and Jemma—my parents.

It changes again. And again. And again.

Most of these memories include me with my parents, but there's also a lot with me and my friends when they were younger. We all seem so happy.

"Come on, Kyra, let's play hide-and-seek!" A little girl, who looks a lot like a toddler Rose, exclaims.

"I comin' Rosie," younger me states, following behind young Rose.

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat