Chapter Sixty Seven- Lyra.

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I wake up to that horrible beeping sound, causing me to realize that I'm in the base infirmary.

I keep my eyes closed, trying to recall what exactly happened. Someone gently holds my hand, making me feel safe and protected.

Soon I open my eyes, just to see a dim light.

I turn my head, seeing Poe sitting on a chair next to my bed.

"Hey," Poe greets, sighing in relief and a small smile appearing on his face. I smile back at him. "how are you feeling?"

"I don't know." I shrug. "It sort of hurts to breathe and I have a terrible migraine, but other then that, I'm fine. Anyway, what happened?"

"Well..." Poe says. "We were flying in our X-wings, when a TIE-fighter shot at me. You were near by, and flew in front of it. You saved me. You also gave us quite a scare back there, and I really think you should talk to your parents."

"Don't worry, I will." I reply.

"I'm glad you're okay," Poe states. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

"I'll never lose you." I state. "It would take a lot more then just one blaster bullet to take me down."

He grins. "Well, thanks for saving me. I really owe you one."

"Two." I remind. "You owe me two. Once for that time I covered for you when you threw that party, and two for that time I saved you..

"...Alright, two." Poe chuckles. "Goodness, I forgot about that party."

"I remember a lot of stuff." I say, noticing the bandage wrapped around his shoulder, making me worry. "Hey, what happened to your shoulder?"

"Yeah... well, apparently I was shot." Poe informs. "I didn't realize it until I got you to safety."

"Oh Poe!" I exclaim. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Poe insists. "They said I'd make a complete recovery and I just need to rest for a few days."

"Umm, Poe, this isn't exactly resting." I inform. "Is it?"

"Lyra," Poe says. "I couldn't rest until I knew you were really okay."

I sigh.

For some reason, Poe makes me have this feeling that nobody else gives me. I feel happy and safe, and something about him makes me know that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. And no one else.

"Alright!" Poe sighs. "Now, I'm going to go get your parents. And then I will rest."

I nod, and then he leaves.


"You scared us so much, Lyra!" Papa exclaims, walking into the room, my mom following behind.

"I'm sorry," I apologize. "I had to save Poe. I couldn't let him die like that."

"It's okay ... just never scare us like that ever again." Papa sighs. "Got it?"

"Yes, papa." 

"Anyway, how do you feel?" Mom asks, obviously concerned.

"I'm okay." I reply, and then suddenly a question pops into my mind. "Where's Rose and Caden? Are they back yet?"

"Uhh... yes." Mom answers. "However, Caden got in a small crash, and he broke his nose. Rose has a few cuts and bruises. But other then that, they're both fine."

"Thank goodness!" I sigh in relief. "How about Rey and Finn? And Luke? Are they back yet."

"No," papa states. "we haven't heard from them in awhile."

"But don't worry," mom assures. "I'm sure they're fine. They probably just lost signal or something."

"Yeah, that's probably it."

"Now, Ms. Lyra Andor, you should probably rest." Papa says. "You know, since you yelled at Poe-"

"-I got it, papa." I say, smiling.

"We should probably get back to the main room." Mom states. "Just to make sure everyone's alright."

I nod. "Love you guys."

"Love you too, star."

They leave, and then I drift off to a peaceful sleep.

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