Chapter Eighty- Rey.

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I sit down at the table, watching as Poe and Lyra dance, while Rose plays peek-a-boo with Stella. I almost can't believe we just won a war. Everything is just moving so ... perfect. Almost like nothing ever happened.

Even though so much things happened.

"Hey," Finn says, sitting down next to me. "watching the newlyweds dance?"

I nod. "They're such a sweet couple."

"They really are." Finn agrees. "It took them long enough to admit their feeling for each other, but at least it was worth it."


"Umm, now, this may be a mistake," Finn states. "but since everyone else is, would you like to dance?"

"Sure," I shrug. "but here's a warning, I can't dance for the life of me. And I'll probably just end up making a fool out of myself."

"Well, lucky for you, I can't dance either." Finn replies. "So, what do you say we go up there and make a fool out of ourselves together?"

I chuckle. "Okay, Finn,"

The two of us stand, walking to the dance floor. We try our hardest to dance, but soon we just decide to try and copy off of everyone else.

I have to admit, we're doing pretty good for people who've never danced once in their lives.

"So, what have you been up to?" I ask.

"Well, I decided I don't like porgs." Finn states, I look at him personally offended.

"You don't like porgs?!" I exclaim. "Why wouldn't you like porgs!"

"Why would I like them?"

"Well, first of all, they're adorable," I reply. "and I don't have another argument, but they're adorable! Why don't you like them?"

Finn doesn't answer.

"Finn, why aren't you answering?" I ask, I don't get any reply. "Finn?!"

He mutters something quietly, making it so I can't hear him.


"One..b..." Finn whispers. "One bit my finger."

I look at him, a small smile making its way onto my face. Finn begins to glare at me, and I can't help but laugh.


"A porg bit you!?" I say in between laughs. "Finn! That's hilarious!"

"Rey, I swear if you tell anyone-" Finn warns, but stops short. "Well, I won't do anything. But I will tell one of your secrets!"

"You don't know any of my secrets!"

"I can tell them when we first met you beat me up."

"Finn, that's more embarrassing for you." I state. "I haven't told you any of my secrets."

"Well then I'll make one up!" Finn snaps. "And it'll be very embarrassing."

I roll my eyes. "Fine, go ahead. No one will believe you, though. Because I'll deny it and they can always tell when someone's lying. They're like detectives. They're like Sherlock."

"Ughh, fine." Finn says, pretending to be annoyed. "But one day I will find out one of your secrets, and then I'll tell everyone!"

I laugh.

"Well, then I'll never tell you any of my secrets." I say. "And there's a lot of them ... and some of them are very interesting."

"Okay! Okay! I won't tell anyone." Finn insists. "But please, tell me something about your past!"

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now