Chapter Thirty Seven- Leia.

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That trailer, though! ^^^

"Okay, Luke, you haven't spoken to me in days." I say, storming into Luke's bunk, seeing him levitating an object with the force. "What's this rumor I keep hearing around the base about Rey turning to the dark side? Is it true? Why didn't you tell me!"

Luke drops the object and sighs.

"Because I didn't want to upset you." Luke admits, looking at the floor.

"You think I'm some sort of delicate little flower?" I tell him. "Luke, I went though loss before. I lost my adoptive family, my home, I even lost a planet! I've learned to except death. And honestly Han and I weren't even together his last few years. Do I love him? Yes, he was the love of my life, I'll always love him. Do I miss him? Of course! But I swear, I'm fine."

"Yeah," Luke sighs. "yeah I guess you're right."

"I know I am." I reply, sitting beside him. "Now, tell me what happened. Why did Rey try to kill Rose?"

"Well, see, she was shot." Luke says. "And they took her in to treat her. She was brainwashed. Obviously."


"Then Finn, Rose, and Poe found her. I guess?" Luke states. "Then she force choked Rose-"

"I remember those." I reply. "Our dad was such a lovely person, wasn't he?"

"Yeah," Luke smiles. "I don't miss those days."

"I do miss being younger, though."


"Yeah," I grin. "I miss Han, too."

"I do too." Luke says.

"Wait- you were telling me a story? Continue."

"Alright, where was I? Oh, right." Luke nods. "She force choked Rose, and then I guess Finn managed to get her to stop. Then she began fighting him. And right when she was about to kill him, I came. We fought for awhile. Then Finn joined again. And we managed to knock the lightsaber out of her hands and corner her. She's fine now, just pretty shook up."

"Okay," I nod. "now, what about everyone else? Have they forgave her yet?"

"Yeah, I believe so,"

"You believe so? Well, you believed wrong." I say. "They got in a big fight today. I don't know everything that happened, but I did hear Lyra said something and Rey heard it all. Now Finn is angry. And so is Rey."

"What? Why didn't I hear of this?"

"Why didn't I hear about Rey turning to the dark side?"

"Fair enough." Luke shrugs. "Anyway, do you know where Rey is?"

"Finn says she's been lightsaber training most of the time. And when she isn't training she's in her bunk." I inform.

"I need to find her."

"According to Finn she isn't talking to anyone."

"Well I'm her dad." Luke says as he stands up.

"Her dad who left her and never came back."

"I have to at least try." Luke states, walking out of the room.

"Good luck!"

"Yeah yeah yeah,"


"You idiots!"

I storm into the bases café, seeing Rose, C.J., Lyra, and Poe sitting down at a table, eating biscuits. All of their attention focuses on me.

"Hello General Leia," Poe greets.

"Save it!" I shout. "What's this I hear about you guys bullying my niece today?"

"I- um, we-" Lyra stutters. "W-we didn't mean to be rude."

"Really? You didn't mean to say she was crazy? That she deserved to be locked away?" I say. "Don't lie to me."

"Look, in our defense, she's changed. She's a totally different person." Poe says.

"Of course she has!" I snap. "She spent thirteen years on that hellhole sand planet called Jakku, waiting for the family who would never return. Everyday she had to put up with that slob Unkar Plutt, who, by the way, tried to kill her anytime she made him just the slightest bit mad. In order to eat, she had to scavenge for objects she could trade in for a meal. Which by the way wasn't very big. Sometimes she went days without eating! She slept in a broken AT-AT. The only company she had was her doll, Daisy! So if you think for a second she should be totally normal, then you are wrong! Of course changed. She went through hell! You guys never suffered near as much as she did."

"I'm sorry general." C.J. says quietly.

"Yeah," Rose says. "We are really sorry."

"No, don't you apologize to me." I say. "You guys go to her bunk RIGHT NOW and apologize to her!"

"Fine," Poe says, standing up. "come on guys. We have some apologizing to do."

They all stand up, and walk towards the door.

"Wait." I stop Lyra. "You don't go anywhere. At least not right now."

Lyra sighs.

"If I ever hear that you said something so cruel to my niece, then you'll have Luke and I to deal with. You got that?" I warn.

"Yes, I'm sorry," she nods.

"Okay, you can go apologize now." I state, and then she leaves.

Sometimes I swear I'm like the mom of all these children.

Mama bear Leia! Don't mess with her niece.

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of Hopeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें