This is how we do it back home!

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Part 7


This is how we do it back home!

I flee from the house after dinner. Gretel tried to mention something about continuing our mall trip but I quickly informed her that my new friends are waiting for me to come over. I chose to wear a pair of jeans and a cute yellow singlet that I don’t mind getting dirty.

I can smell Carlie and the boys in the garage a few houses down and I feel thrilled over my improved senses. I walk down to them quickly and smile when I hear their friendly bickering. I open the green garage door and am welcomed with a messy sight of tools and car parts thrown all over the place. They are working on two cars and a motorcycle. It smells of rubber, oil and metal parts in here. I know nothing about mechanics but a wave of interest hits me. It’s obvious that they all care for what they are doing in here.

“Princess!” Greg calls out and waves a tool in the air. He is sitting on the floor next to the motorcycle.

“Ray!” Carlie complains. “I told you to call so you didn’t have to look for us.”

I smile goofily at them and show off all my white teeth. “It wasn’t that hard.”

“Carlie told me you can’t drive,” Chris says and shakes his head disappointingly. “We can’t have that, we must teach you how to drive!”

“And fix cars,” Cole adds.

“Oh, why not?” I give in to them and start watching them carefully when they explain what they are doing. “Do you think Vince will like me doing this?”

“No way!” Carlie laughs and smudges oil all over my cheek with her thumb. It’s a playful gesture and I laugh back at her. I guess Vince won’t like anything I do with Carlie.

“Good, then I want to learn everything about fixing cars.”

“I hope your parents won’t mind us ruining you like we did with Carlie,” Greg comments dryly.

“Ruining me?” I add amusingly. “My parents are nothing like Carlie’s, they embrace education. My father will definitely be proud of me and mother will want me to do my best.”

“Are you sure, Princess?” Adam asks hopefully.

“I am not as sweet as I seem, but we are not going to let everyone know that,” I smirk. “I will tell you my secret if you help me and keep quiet about it.”

“Secret!” Carlie yells. “Why do you keep secrets from me?” she says heartbroken.

“Forgive me, we just met yesterday. I will give you a full written report about my life tomorrow,” I say sarcastically and all the boys break out in a laughing fit. “Carlie already knows that teacher Vincent is my mate and he rejected me today.” It stabs my heart to say it out loud and I have to take a deep breath to collect myself. The boys look surprised but they wait quietly for me to continue. “I am going to do everything he doesn’t like in a sweet way to annoy the hell out of him. Are you in?”

“Hell yes!” they shout and jump up in high fives. I smile at their reaction. I ask the wolf spirits to protect our conversation from listening ears and I feel how the shield builds up around our garage. Only a superior power can take the field down and that would be Alpha Denwood. He knows who I am and what I can do, so there’s no worries letting him hear.

“We can be your four lover boys and flirt with you all the time,” Chris smirks. “Vincent is a stuck up snob, I’d love to break him down.”

“Piece by piece,” I demand. “Don’t let the fact that he’s my mate hold you back.”

“The fact he rejected you wants me to punch his head in,” Adam growls.

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