Confusion - Vincent's POV

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Part 21


Vincent’s POV

Now it’s your turn to figure out where I am from.

I must honestly say that I never put much thought into that. I just assumed that Princess is from a similar pack like the Sunshiny one. Truth be told, there isn’t any other pack like this one in the whole world of werewolves.

The worst part is that she knows where I am from. How the hell did she figure that out? I thought I was careful. Did Jack tell her? Why would he tell her?

He and his family enters the Town Hall ballroom. I furrow my eyebrows as I look at them and notice that they brought Kaitlyn and Bradley. Kaitlyn looks stunning next to Gretel’s pathetic figure. No offence to Jack, but I truly dislike his wife. She’s just too much.

I don’t know what I’m doing here tonight. I just hoped that Gretel would have used her claws to force Princess to come. The thought about dancing with her among all of these people lit up my whole day until now. I start walking towards the Denwood family.

I ignore all the stares from the unmated females. They are crowding Shadow who had the nerve to show up tonight. Princess claims he’s her cousin but I highly doubt that. He’s talking with Mitch, the world famous detective that I am dying to meet. There will be time during the evening to talk with him, I just don’t know if I will stay very long now that she isn’t here.

“Vincent!” Jack greets with a smile when I reach them.

“Hi, Vincent!” Gretel says happily. “You look so handsome tonight. Forgive me, I really tried to bring Ray. She insisted to let Kaitlyn go instead.”

“Kaitlyn, you look stunning,” I smile to the other woman and she shines up at my compliment.

“You should still enjoy the party!” Gretel continues. “There are a lot of women who likes to dance.”

“I only dance with my mate,” I answer her harsh enough so she won’t insist. I turn to her son who’s glaring at the people in the room. “Hi, Brad. I didn’t think you liked parties like these.”

“I don’t,” he says disgusted. “But I refuse to stay at home with that smiley face.”

“Bradley, what did I say about Ray?” his father scolds him.

“That I must treat her with respect,” he sighs.

“Why does she insist on being called Ray?” I have to ask when the name hits me.

“Her name is Ray,” Jack tells me honestly. “She told you her first name, didn’t she?”

He doesn’t seem too happy to talk about my mate, but I can’t resist the urge to investigate her. She’s mocking me to do it. Who is she anyway? Princess Ray. That name doesn’t ring any bells. It’s a pretty name, it fits her.

“She did. What’s it all about? She knows about me, Jack. I told you not to tell her.”

“Son,” Jack shakes his head. “This is the last place where we should discuss this. In fact, I want you to meet someone.”

I know better than to try Jack’s patience. He’s been kind to let me in his pack and I’m sure there’s something about Ray that isn’t right. Did she flee from her old pack too?

We walk through the room and my mood drops when we reach Mitch who still is talking with Shadow. Shadow gives me a glare and I can’t hold back a winning smirk. Princess is mine and he can’t so anything to change that fact. Nothing can come between us now. She’s a bit tricky, but I’ll figure her out.

“Mitch!” Gretel says loudly. “I hope you enjoyed our dinner yesterday.”

“I enjoyed it very much, Mrs Denwood” Mitch answers her with a genuine smile.

Mitch has this aura of authority over him that makes everyone around him almost bow over in respect. Despite that, he seems to use that power well and kindness is seeping through every ounce of him. I don’t doubt that he can be deadly if he wants to. He’s a Ninjan after all and the rumour about his work is admirable.

“I told you to call me Gretel,” she blushes proudly.

“Your wife is adorable, Alpha Denwood,” he continues to melt their hearts and I’m not sure if he does it on purpose or is like that.

“Mitch, I want you to meet one of our teachers,” Jack says and brings me forward. “This is Vincent, Ray’s mate.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you sir,” I add nervously and he shakes my hand with an investigating look. I guess they told him about Ray before. “Are you here to investigate the threat from the Northwall Pack?”

I’m cold sweating at the thought of my old pack. I don’t want my Princess anywhere near here if they are going to attack.

“I’m here to prevent Princess from almost killing herself again,” he says with a harsh look at our Alpha. Jack goes pale and everyone around stops talking in interest to hear what’s going on.

“I didn’t know she was going to run back,” Jack defends himself quietly. “Alpha Bear said that she would be easy to handle.”

“What are you talking about?” I blurt out completely confused.

“He made my little girl upset. You also managed to upset her, Vincent, if I remember her story correctly. There’s no reason to keep anything secret anymore, Alpha Denwood. The WSF gave me a message five minutes ago that the Northwall Pack is attacking.”

What? What?

Then hell breaks loose as we realise that we must prepare for the attack. I push away all the confusing thoughts about Princess. I can deal with them later. I will fight to protect this pack. I will fight to protect my Princess.

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