Vincent's POV

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  Part 10

 Vincent’s POV

“She can’t know about me, Jack.”

I know it’s too much to ask of my new alpha. He saved my life, I owe him everything. He is sitting by my kitchen table with a cup of coffee in his hands. My apartment is small but functional, it holds everything I need to make a good living. All dates I brought here called it boring, but I guess I won’t bring any more women over again. My bed is going to be painfully empty.

He shakes his head at me. “Son, please, you are making a mistake by not accepting her.”

My blood freezes to ice in fear every time I think of my delicate mate. She is more than delicate, she is everything and the reason of my existence. That’s why I can’t drag her along in my life. I can’t put her at that kind of risk. I can’t give in for the feelings I have for her, she must be kept safe at any cost.

“I refuse,” I growl. “I don’t like her living with you. Send her home for the Spirits sake!”

“Have faith in Ray, she is stronger than you think. She is definitely safe in my home.”

His patience is driving me mad. He refuses to take me seriously and that makes me furious. The whole war is my fault. The Denwood family and the Sunshiny Pack must suffer for the choices I made in life and my father will never withdraw his challenge as long as he lives, even if I return back.

“Is that why you refused the whole Wolf Security Guard to keep any kind of track on her?” I accuse him. “Why would you do that?”

The guilt in Alpha Denwood’s eyes can’t be hidden. Is he hiding something from me?

“The Alpha from Ray’s pack told me to let her roam as she pleases. She is some kind of Token for them and I am  honored that they picked our pack as hosts for her visit.”

“I don’t care that she is the sweetheart of their pack!” I complain furiously. “What they don’t know can’t harm them. I want her under protection while she is here. If anything happens to her, even the tiniest scratch, I’ll make you pay for it.”

He is not affected by my threat and I have to give him credits for that. The Sunshiny Pack has a damn good Alpha, that’s why I begged him to let me join a few years ago. I never thought it would lead to war between my old and my new pack, I never thought I was that important in my father’s life.

“Son, nothing will happen to her. You are the only one who can seriously hurt her, don’t you see?”

“I can’t have her for bloody sake!” I yell at him. “I’m from the Northwall Pack, I can’t doom a sweet girl like Ray to be bound to someone like me. You know what that bastard did to my mother, I will not let him touch my mate too.”

“No one said anything about touching, Vincent. Accept her as your mate, that’s an order. You can wait if you want to, but don’t deny her forever.”

Jack can’t hold back a small irritated tone in his voice and I sigh. He doesn’t want to reason at all. “Do you think about the challenge? He can kill you and if he does he’ll destroy this whole pack without a doubt.”

“I prayed to the Wolf Spirits for help and they sent me Ray,” he says slowly, drinking his coffee with a grimace. “Still a bad cook I see,” he adds amused.

My coffee is left untouched in front of me, it is getting cold and I have no intention of touching it. “I don’t see how a small girl like Ray can win the war,” I mutter. “Is she going to giggle them to death?”

Jack raises an eye brow at my comment and holds back a chuckle. “ I prayed for them to make you stop acting like a scared cat.”

“I am not a scared cat!” I object and slam my fist into the table.

“She will be good for you, don’t worry about the rest. The whole Wolf Security Force is looking after the situation with the Northwall Pack.”

“It doesn’t calm me,” I say painfully. “Not when my mate is involved.”

“Nothing is easy when your mate is involved,” he teases me. “I can’t hold your secret forever. She will notice the difference in you soon if she isn’t wondering already. Give the girl some credit, she will never stop chasing you.”

“Your mate should stop encouraging her.”

“You are wrong in your illusions, Vincent,” he says seriously as he gets up from the chair. “Ray is not a sweetheart. Don't bother, I can find my own way out.” He disappears quickly and I barely hear the door as he leaves my ground floor apartment.

What’s so special about Ray?

No, I mean why is she special for Jack?

I’ve been hooked since the first smell, the first sight, the first touch. I growl annoyed at myself. It was so hard to control myself after she threw herself all over me before class this morning. I wanted to take her on my desk in front of all the students, mark her as mine forever. The thought makes me sick. She’s not safe with me. I wish I could have her, I wish it more than anything but I can’t doom her like that. I love her too much. If only she was a strong wolf, I’d do anything for a strong wolf but the wolf spirits chose a weak mate for me.

Ray will live a good happy life without me. She will be safe and that is all that matters. She is going to give up and move back home eventually. It hurts, but I don’t have any other choice. Not as long as my father is running the Northwall Pack.

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