The Team Against Drex

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A/N: Hey guys make sure to vote and comment. Also if you have a favorite villain you want to return comment. Also if you have any ideas for this book I'd love to hear them so tell me by commenting!

Cassi's POV:

  We were at the scene. Henry didn't have the cool dart thing cause we all knew it wouldn't work. I thought back to the last time we fought Drex. Thank goodness Henry had Hyper Motility now or we all knew what would happen.

  Out of the corner of my left eye I saw a man walk out from behind something. "Look who it is," he said. He looked Henry up and down and then me. "I see you two are still helping this stupid superhero. I don't know why you would do that. He isn't even a good one," he added.

  "If I were you I would be quiet!" I yelled at him.

  "Well someone has courage. How dare you stand up to me!" He yelled back. He started to approach me. I staggered backward. I almost fell, but luckily Henry had rushed behind me in time to catch me. "Aww how sweet. The couple is still together."

I glared at him. Drex was my least favorite person ever. Yes I didn't like any of the villains we fought, but Drex was the worst. Out of all of them he was the best fighter and the one who was most of a jerk. I mean he spanked Henry!

Drex glared back. He didn't like me either. I want ok with that. He liked to scare me a lot. He liked to get on my nerves. We were rivals.

As soon as he was close enough so that I could reach him, I kicked him in the stomach. He grunted and fell backwards. I tried to grab his arm, but he grabbed mine instead. He threw me into the ground. I felt a pounding pain throughout my body.

Henry tried. He used his hyper motility. I should've thought of that. He missed all of Drex's punches and kicks. Thank goodness he was fast.

  I stood up trying to fight again. This time I used my hyper motility. I fought with all my strength. Eventually, he was down. "Hopefully that guy will be in jail for a long time. Maybe he won't be able escape now," I said. "I'll call the cops." I pulled out my phone and called 911. "Hello, this is Girl Danger. We've got Drex again," I told them.

"We'll be right there," they replied. The cops weren't lying. They were there in six minutes. They grabbed Drex and pulled him to his feet. They put him in the cop car and drove off. We followed.

As soon as we got back to the man cave I sat down on the couch. I pulled my gum balls from my pocket and changed back into my normal self. "Hey Ray?" I asked.

Ray nodded to acknowledge me. "Yeah?" He asked.

"I can't make it to work tomorrow. I have a big History test. It's on World War I, World War II, and the Cold War. It's gonna take all day," I replied.

"You can't miss work tomorrow. It's the day that- who am I kidding? There's nothing special tomorrow. Go do your stupid test," he said. "But your not getting paid!"

"Ok," I said. I noticed the time and decided I had to go. "I have to go. I have to study for the test. Bye Ray," I said going up the elevator. A few minutes later Henry joined me. We walked home together.

When we got home I put my back pack on a hook. Before I did so, I made sure to grab my history book. Henry put his right next to mine. I went upstairs to my room and sat on the couch on my platform. I started to study.

Soon dinner was ready, so I went downstairs to eat. I sat at the table and ate my dinner. As soon as I was finished, I went back upstairs.

All of a sudden, I heard a noise downstairs. I snuck down the stairs and felt a hand cover my mouth and pulled me down behind the couch. When I looked over it was Henry. When he removed his hand I quickly flipped out on him, "What the heck-" but he cut me off. He grabbed my arm.

"Be quiet. There's someone in the house."

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