Miss Independent

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Cassi's POV:

I walked into the man cave carrying a stack of folders. I walked over to where the others were sitting and put the folders on the table. "After doing some extensive research I found Henry," I told them, smiling. "And I've devised a plan on how to get him out."

   "Miss independent," Charlotte said, smiling and high fiving me.

   "So what are the folders for?" Ray asked me.

   "Find the one with your name on it. First few pages explain the whole entire plan, then the rest explain your part in the plan. You each have a different part to play in this, so we have to work together or it will never work," I explained.

   "Oooh! Oooh! What part do I play? The astronaut? The clown? The cowboy?" Jasper asked, clapping.

   "Different kind of part, Jasper," I told him, rolling my eyes. "I meant—nevermind."

   "When are we doing this?" Ray asked.

   "In a few days," I responded.

"Meaning how many?" He asked me.

   "Two or three. We can't just go in there and do this right now. We need time to prepare and set everything up," I explained. Everyone nodded. "Okay, now everyone sit down and start preparing."


A few days passed before it was finally time to put the plan in action. We took the man van and drove to the place in which Henry was being held. Ray and I got out and so did Jasper. Schwoz and Charlotte were supposed to be in charge of the technological part of the plan.

"We're going to test you three's earpieces," Charlotte told us. We nodded and she proceeded to talk to us through them. When we gave her the thumbs up of them working she nodded. "Okay, you guys, be careful in there," she told us.

"Will do," I told her before heading into the building.

"This doesn't seem to be careful," Ray told me. "You seem to be walking headfirst into a dangerous situation."

"I know what I'm doing, Ray," I shot at him.

"No need to get rude and defensive about it," he told me.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm just stressing over this and hoping it'll work," I told him.

"It'll work for sure," Ray reassured her. "And if we have to, we'll improvise. Either way we will get Henry out."

I nodded. "Let's do this," I told him, a small smile growing across my lips.

We went in and Jasper followed. I pointed to where Jasper was supposed to go. He nodded and ran over. I'm surprised no one caught him or us as he was so loud.

I heard movement around the corner. I peaked around the column we were hiding behind and saw Henry. "Henry!" I whisper yelled.

He looked over at me. "Cassi, what the heck are you doing here?" He asked me in an even lower whisper.

I looked around to check if no one was around before walking over to the cell holding Henry. "We're here to get you out," I told him.

"We?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "You mean you and Ray?"

"No, Schwoz, Charlotte, Jasper, Ray, and myself," I told him. "They're the only way this can be pulled off." He nodded. "Now how do we get you out of this box?"

"There's a key over there," he said, pointing to a table. The key lay there. Nobody was around to guard it.

"Charlotte, Schwoz," I whispered.

"Go for Schwoz," he said, chuckling. "I feel like I'm in a spy movie. It's like we're James Bond or something."

"Focus Schwoz," I told him. "Now is there anyone around that could catch me if I went to grab the key?"

"No one's around," he confirmed.

"Okay. Thanks Schwoz," I told him.'

"Over and out," he told me.

I rolled my eyes before heading to grab the key off the table. I grabbed it and walked over to Henry's cell. I was about to unlock it when a guy walked over to me. "What do you think you're doing?" His loud, booming voice asked.

"I-I—Uh," I stumbled over my words. This guy was towering over me. I felt intimidated and uncomfortable. I knew he was about to take me out.

He smirked at me. "Step away from the cage," he told me.

There was no way I was doing that. "No way," I told him, my voice shaking a bit.

All of a sudden, Ray popped out from behind the pillar he had been hiding behind. "Pick on someone your own size," he told the guy.

The guy walked over towards Ray and chuckled. "Captain man," he commented, cracking his knuckles. "This shall be fun."

   I quickly turned the key in the lock and the door swung open. Henry smiles and immediately made his way out of the prison he had been stuck in. "Hey thug," he announced. "I guess I can finally take you."

   We all fought the guy together before finally taking him down. "Do we call the cops?" Ray asked.

   "No, just leave him," Henry said. "Let's go."

   "I feel like I'm forgetting something," I said. "Wait, Jasper!" I called.

   I then saw him fall out from the ceiling onto the cold cement floor. "Ow," he mumbled. "Did I get him?"

   "Sure," Henry replied. "Just come on, let's get out of here."

   With that we left.


   We got back to the man cave after quite a long drive. We went inside and saw envelopes on the tables with each of our names. We walked over to them confused. "What the heck?" Charlotte asked, picking up hers.

   I picked up mine and opened it. I read the card stock in it aloud. "You are hereby cordially invited to our masquerade ball. Dress is formal," I read. The invitation proceeded to give a date and place.

   "I feel like we're walking into a trap," Charlotte admitted.

   "We can take down whoever's behind this," Henry told us.

   "So it's agreed? We're all going?" I asked.

   "I guess we're all going," Charlotte responded.

  There was something going on and we were all about to figure it out. We were going to defeat whoever was trying so desperately to destroy us.

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