Maykew a Meal

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Cassi's POV:

   I sat in the man cave leaning against Henry. He was complaining about not being up in Junk'N Stuff to try these meals. "Henry, shut up," I told him. "I love you, but it's so annoying to hear you complain."

   He rolled his eyes playfully as he looked down at me. "I wanna have a meal from Morgan Maykew Cass," he told me. He was complaining on purpose now.

"Okay, that was on purpose because I told you not to complain," I told him, looking up at him with a smile on my face.

"Maybe," He said, a small smirk on his face.

   I hit him gently in the face and he pretended to be in pain. He toppled over and started being way over dramatic. I laughed and shook my head at him. "You're too much," I told him, still laughing.

   "But you know you love me," he told me, sitting back down next to me.

   "I do love you," I told him, kissing his cheek. I  went back to leaning on him. He went back to staring at the TV that was showing Jasper trying all the food.

   "Stop staring at the screen so much," Charlotte scolded Henry.

   All of a sudden, I felt Henry jolt up beside me. If I hadn't caught myself, I would've fallen over. It's not like it was a long distance to fall, but it would still have hurt.

   "The stairs!" He yelled. "We can go up the stairs!"

   "No way," I told him. "Aren't there over two hundred sets of stairs?"

   "Yeah, but if we leave now we can get up there. Come on," he told me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me to my feet.

  He started pulling me towards the stairs, but we both stopped under the tubes. Ray was dangling out from one of them. He was trying to climb it to get to the store. "Uh, Ray, that's impossible," I told him.

"What is?" He asked me.

"What you're trying to do. Climb up the tubes," I replied.

Henry yanked on his ankle and he fell out right on top of Henry. I helped both of them up off the ground and they both stood their for a minute. "What was that for?" Ray asked Henry.

"I wanted to let you know that we can use the stairs to get up to Junk'N Stuff," Henry told him. Ray looked at him and ran to the door that led to the stairs. Schwoz followed and so did Henry, pulling me with him.


   "Henry, I can't walk anymore," I whined after one hundred and seventeen flights of stairs. I was tired and my back and hips were killing me.

   "Get on my back," he told me. Clearly, he was determined to get to the top before the end of the show. He really wanted to try this food.

   "No, I don't want to hurt you," I told him.

   "You're not gonna hurt me and I'm not leaving you behind. Now get on my back," he told me. I rolled my eyes before walking over to him and getting on his back. He started walking up the stairs. "You're actually really light," he told me. He was able to walk up the stairs and carry me with ease.

   Eventually, I fell asleep on him. My head rested in his neck and I could feel his heavy breathing as he kept climbing. I woke up after a while. He was standing still and panting. "Henry, I can get off if you need me to," I told him.

   "No. You don't have to. We're almost there anyways," He told me.

   A few more flights of stairs later we made it. I get off Henry's back and Ray opened the door. The show was wrapping up. The food was gone and the chef was ending his show. I looked at Henry and Ray who looked distraught. "Hey guys, it's okay," I said, putting my hands on Henry's shoulders.

   They still weren't happy later. I listened to Henry whine the rest of the night. Finally, when it was time to actually fall asleep he stopped talking about it.


   The next morning I woke up beside Henry. I couldn't sleep all night long so I eventually just went and laid with him.

   I got up first and went downstairs to get some breakfast. He followed not long after. "Morning," He said, walking into the kitchen and kissing my cheek.

   "Ew, gross," Piper said. She was sitting on the couch in the living room. No one had noticed her till then.

   "Shut up Piper," Henry told her. She rolled her eyes and went back to looking at her lap top. "Hey, are you doing anything tonight?"

   "Me?" I asked him, opening the fridge and taking the milk jug out.

   "Yeah, you," he told me.

   "No, I didn't plan on it," I replied.

   "I wanna go to this haunted house. It's a new Halloween business in Swellview and I thought it would be fun," he told me, smiling.

   "Sounds fun. Sure, why not?" I asked him.

   "Cool, can't wait," he told me.

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