Valentines Day

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A/N: Above is Cassidy's outfit for when her and Henry go out for Valentines Day

Cassi's POV:

I was sitting at my hotel with my sister because we were in a program in New York for the American Ballet for a few days. Henry was coming up to visit me today which, for the record, was Valentine's Day.

  We were going to go have a dinner at a nice and then just spend the rest of the night together.

His plane was supposed to land at five, but he texted me saying it was late. He also texted me saying that the game shakers where having a special Valentine's Day thing and we were gonna do that. It sounded fun.

  So when I got the game shakers headquarters I texted Henry I was there.

Henry's POV:

  I was by the game shaker's table when I got a text from Cassi. "Hey, I'll be right back," I said to them before walking out.

  I walked outside to get Cassi, "Hey," she said.

  "Hey," I said back, "You look gorgeous." I extended my hand out to her and she took it.

We walked back into the building and over to the table. "You guys know Cassi," I said to the game shakers.

"Cassi, hey," Hudson said.

"Hi," she said smiling. "It's great to see you guys again."

"You too," Triple G said smiling.

   We all sat down. "So why are you up here, Cassi?" Kenzie asked her.

  "My sister and I are taking some classes at the American ballet for a few days," she replied

After a while, Double G started playing a slow song and I extended my hand out to Cassi. "Wanna dance?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure," she replied smiling.

  I didn't notice Babe walk out and leave since she was upset while I was with Cassi. When I noticed she was missing I went to talk Hudson and Triple G to make sure she was okay.

  When I saw the boys leave I followed them. When I got to them outside we started talking. After a while of talking I looked at them, "Babe thought I was coming here just to see her?"

"Yeah and she got pretty hurt when you walked in here with your girlfriend," Hudson told him.

  "I'm sorry, I love Babe, but as a friend. Cassidy and I have been together for a bit and she means everything to me," I told them.

  Then Kenzie and Cassi ran out. "Babe's self driving car went out of control," Kenzie told us.

  We found out where she was and Cassi and I went to save her. We brought Hudson and Triple G since we had no clue where anything in New York was.

  We jumped onto the car and a loud thud was heard. We got in the car and called Schwoz. It took a while, but we killed the car basically. Though we were locked in. I felt bad because of the Babe thing so I explained the whole thing my gave her a rose.

  "Happy Valentine's Day," I told her. I pulled her into a hug for the misconfusion and since she was my friend. And then Cassi and I changed back into our normal selves.

A/N: Happy Valentines Day guys!

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