Hit Me with Your Best Shot

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Henry's POV:

   Being stuck in a place with only mob villains was kind of depressing and boring. I was either getting tortured by them one day or watching them play poker the next. "And I win, give me the money," one of the criminals said, smirking.

"Just shut up, would ya?" I asked them, closing my eyes and resting my head against the wall.

"What'd you say, boy?" The head asked.

"I told you guys to shut up," I told him, confidence in my voice. Many people were afraid to talk back to villains, but I wasn't. I stood up from where I was sitting and walked over to the silver bars of my cage.

The head approached the cell and pulled a knife out. "Do not ever tell us to shut up," he threatened, pointing the knife towards me.

"Or what?" I asked, wrapping my hands around the bars. I laughed a little. "If you kill me, you'll get caught eventually. Not to mention I do have super fast reflexes."

   The men laughed lowly. "Super powers are fake," he told me, causing me to laugh again.

   "That's what you think," I told him. "When my friends come to get me, you're gonna realize how wrong you are. Not to mention you're also going to get destroyed."

"I don't like your attitude, boy," he told me.

"Does it look like I care what you think?" I asked him, tilting my head a little. "Or wait you're just too dumb to realize that what you say doesn't matter."

"That's it," he said, reaching his hand in to wrap it around my neck. Using my hyper-motility I quickly grabbed it before he could touch me.

"I told you, super reflexes, remember?" I asked him, smirking. "Now go back to your idiot friends and don't mess with me, understood?"

"I don't take orders from you," he told me.

I crushed his hand in my grip. "You better start or else it won't be pretty when I do get out of here," I threatened.

"Do you want to fight me, boy? You would get destroyed," he told me, narrowing his eyes and glaring at me.

"Oh no, of course not. I don't want to fight you yet," I told him. "And for the record, I don't want to make you cry." His face turned bright red. I could tell I was getting him angrier by the second.

All of a sudden his expression changed. "You're right you would destroy me. You have motivations to get out here, but let's just say we had your girlfriend. What's her name? Cassidy Thunderman? Let's say we threatened her if you didn't listen to us, then what would you do?" He asked me.

"No, you don't have her, you're just trying to get in my head," I told him. A little confidence fading as I spoke. There was no way he actually had her, was there? No. No way. He was just trying to get me out of my right mind.

   "You doubting me, boy? If I don't have her now, I'll get her later," He told me. "Everyone has a weakness. I think I've found yours." He smirked before walking away.

   I walked back over to the spot where I had been sitting and buried my head in my hands. If he did end up getting her, would I risk it to still have the confidence? No, probably not. She was my weakness, but I didn't care. I would do anything to protect her. I just had to figure out whether she was here or not.

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