Seize The Day

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Cassi's POV:

"We have to do something," I whispered to Henry.

   "Give it a few minutes," he whispered back.

   "Now," I told him, whispering, but yelling. "We have to take this chance and do something. If we don't, who knows what could happen."

"Stay calm, Cass," he told me.

   "I can't stay calm," I admitted. "My anxiety levels are sky high right now." I felt something brush past me. "Henry, was that you?" I asked.

   "No, that was me," Ray whispered.

   I jumped a little at Ray's voice. "Ray, don't scare me like that!" I yelled at him, but still kept my voice low.

   There was no more talking and the lights turned back on. We looked around to see no one around us any more. Yep. As all of us had predicted, it was a trap.

   The only weird part of this trap was no one was in the ballroom with us. It was only the six of us.

   "Where'd everyone go?" Jasper asked, looking around the room. All of a sudden, a guy fell from the ceiling onto Jasper. All of us gasped. "I'm okay," he groaned.

   "What the-" Ray started, but he couldn't finish before being cut off.

   "Welcome special guests," a brunette man said, walking into the room. "I see you could make it."

   "Who are you? What do you want?" Henry asked, yelling.

   The man chuckled. "My name's Austin. Austin Miller," he responded. "I'm from an international group who is set on taking every superhero down. Oh and everyone who works for them along with it."

   "Like you'll ever succeed," Ray told him. "I'm ready to seize the day and finally take you down once and for all."

   The man chuckled. "I'd like to see you try," he responded.


   Though, some time passed and a huge fight had a occurred we had only got one member of the team down. There would be a lot more sent after us and we all knew that. The next one being Rick Twitlash (We didn't know that at the time, though). A long, hard battle was ahead of us. We knew we were going to win, though, soon. We wouldn't stop until everyone had been taken down.

A/N: Hey Guys, so I'm going to try and update this as often as possible, but so many things are coming up soon that I don't know how much time I'll have to write. For one, my school musical's first performance in less than a month, which means many practices. Also I have my band trip coming up and that's going to be a lot too.
   Also I've been working on a Newsies fanfic. It's not published yet, but I might publish it if I get enough people to read it. So if you'd read it, comment. Same goes for a glee fanfic I'm working on.
   Also I've been working on my fan account on insta. It's called @_simplyafangirl. I do edits and stuff, so yeah please go check it out.
   But, I'll definitely get the next chapter out sooner. ❤️💙

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