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Cassi's POV:

The darkness swirled around me. It was about to take me over. I felt like I had no time left and I was about to be swallowed by all of it. It was slowly closing in on me and choking me. Every second it grew closer and closer and closer.

I felt cold air blowing on me as it got closer. There was no warmth, only cold. I shivered. I didn't want to get eaten alive by whatever this darkness was. I didn't want it to choke me.

Abruptly, I sat up in my hospital bed. My eyelids were heavy from not having much sleep (So I thought) and I was cold, though the sunlight flashed through the blinds.

There were many machines beeping and that was all I could hear, besides the soft breathing of Henry in the chair beside me. His hand was tightly clasped to mine. He wouldn't let go and I didn't mind at all.

   I was hooked up to oxygen. I didn't know why, but I saw the wires running down connecting to a tank. What had happened to me that I needed all this treatment.

   All of a sudden, the door swung open and in walked a doctor. "Good, you're awake," he told me. I went to open my mouth to speak, but he stopped me and told me not to. "No, don't try to speak yet."

   I was very confused at this point. First off I was in the hospital, second off I had just had a weird dream, and third off I wasn't allowed to speak. What was going on?

   "If you're wondering what's going on, someone gave you something. I don't know what it is, but whatever it was was very deadly. Some scientist tried to revive you, but it didn't make it better. It only made it worse. We brought you here by ambulance. You've been here for a week and you're just now waking up from a coma. You needed Oxygen to live," he explained.

   I took a glance around the room, noticing a bunch of flowers, teddy bears, and cards I hadn't noticed before. They were everywhere. They covered the window seal and the chairs. They even covered almost the whole floor. I didn't have that many friends and family though, so who would've brought all this stuff for me.

   The doctor had still been talking. I tuned every single word he said out except for one sentence, "You will be able to start talking in a week."

   I couldn't talk for a week? How was I supposed to find out everything? I couldn't ask anyone else about what happened.

   Luckily, a week went by faster than I thought. It also went by smoothly meaning nothing abnormal happened.

   After a week, they finally took me off the oxygen and I was able to breath on my own. I was also able to talk finally.

   "Hey Henry," I said, the day I could talk again.

   "Cassi! You can talk!" He basically screamed, causing me to plug my ears.

   "Yeah. Can you explain to me what exactly happened?" I asked him.

   "What's the last thing you remember before you woke up here?" He asked me.

   "I remember that there was Gwen and Van Dehl. I was on my way back home from school and Gwen started talking to me. She grabbed my wrist and then everything went black," I told him.

   "Gwen gave you something that could slowly kill you. Schwoz tried to help, but only made it gradually get worse," he explained. "The paramedics came and you were in a coma, but they kept you alive the whole time. You're okay Cassi, you never died, you're alive and well."

   "Whose all this stuff from?" I asked him.

   "My family, your family, Charlotte's family, Jasper, Ray, and Schwoz mainly. I think there's something from a few kids from school, but that's about it," he replied.

   "Henry, will you sit with me?" I asked him.

   He sat down next to me and I laid his head in my shoulder. "Our lives are never gonna be normal, are they?" I asked him.

   "No," he replied, "they never will be."

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