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Cassi's POV:

Minutes passed slowly. Minutes soon turned into hours and hours turned into days. Everyday I would check the calendar on my phone to see what day it was. I had eventually lost track.

   I had to conserve my phones battery, considering I had nothing to charge it with. Luckily, over the days I had been there my phone hadn't died and was at about seventy percent. Half the time I just stared at the wall and thought.

The footsteps echoed on the stones. Great. Noah started showing up without his hood and mask on. His voice wasn't disguised anymore.

"You don't have food today, so what are you here for?" I asked, crossing my arms.

   "Just wanted to visit," he told me, smirking.

   I rolled my eyes. He liked getting under my skin. He knew what he did bothered me so he didn't stop.

"Just let me out Noah!" I yelled at him. My anxiety and stress levels had gotten pretty high. They got significantly higher everyday.

He laughed at my anger and anxiety. He never cared. It didn't matter to him anything tha happened to me. He was just determined to keep me here for the rest of my life.

At this point I had almost given up that my friends would eventually come. I was stuck and numb inside. I didn't know anything that was happening in the outside world and at this point I was scared.

Finally a few days passed and I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. The weren't the usual heavy footsteps of my captor however. The were lighter. Whoever it was had been running this was.

I stood up from where I had been siting and went over to the steel bars holding me into the cage. I looked out to see my boyfriend and Ray dressed as the heroes they called themselves.

"We're here," Ray announced.

"Took you long enough," I told him, crossing my arms.

   "Listen, we're here now," Ray said. "How do we get you out?"

   "A key maybe, but don't ask me where it is," I told him.

    "Go up and find it Ray. I'm gonna stay here and make sure that the guy doesn't come back," Henry told Ray. Ray nodded and went upstairs.

   "I thought you weren't coming. I thought I was completely stuck here," I told him. 

   He took my hand. "I wasn't giving up until I found you," he told me.

   Ray ran back downstairs. "I got the key, but we gotta get you out of here and run," He told us. He opened the door. Henry grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs.

   "You okay?" Henry asked when we got outside. He checked my arms and my legs for any type of cuts or bruises.

   "I'm fine, Henry," I told him. "Let's just get out of here."

   We went back to the man cave. The boys changed and then we decided to go out. We went out to eat and afterwards a cop walked over to us. "Are you Henry Hart?" He asked Henry.

   "Yes," Henry responded.

   "You're under arrest."

A/N: Hey Guys I'm sorry this chapter took so long to come out. I've been busy with school stuff and other activities. Hopefully the next chapter will be it soon enough.

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