4th of July Bonfire

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Henry's POV:

  I got up on the 4th of July and went down to the kitchen. "Hey mom," I said kissing her on the cheek. Yes I do love my mother. It's not unusual for a teenage boy even though everyone's thinks it is. "Happy Independence Day!"

  "Hi Henry. Charlotte and Jasper's family are coming to the bonfire tonight," she told me. "Happy Independence Day," she added.

  "Great. Can I invite my boss too?" I asked.

  "Sure. Oh and tell Cassi that her family is also coming," My mom told me.

  "Will do," I said.

  An hour later Cassi came downstairs. My mom had gone put to the store to get stuff for the bonfire.

  "Hey Henry," she said. She walked into the living room and sat down on the couch next to me. "Happy 4th of July."

  "Happy 4th of July. You look really pretty today," I said smiling.

  "Thanks," she said.

  "Oh and your family is coming for the bonfire tonight," I told her.

  "Oh fun," she said.

  "Ok, so I know you love them so what's wrong?" I asked.

  "Nothing's wrong Henry. Think about your parents plus my parents and what it equals," she replied.

  "Oh yeah," I said.

"Exactly," she said back smiling.

"Now, what are you doing today?" I asked her.

"Well I'm gonna go to the mall and look at some clothes with my pay. You know the usual. I'm also gonna buy some ingredients and bake a cookie for dinner tonight," she replied.

"You sound busy," I said. "Need a shopping buddy?" I asked.

"I guess. Know anybody?" She asked laughing.

"I meant me," I told her.

"I know," she remarked. "Yes you can come."

"Great, when are we going?" I asked.

"After your parents get home. We can't leave Piper home alone. That wouldn't end well," Cassi replied.

"Yeah I guess. You know what's even worse? My mom invited two of Piper's friends and their families to the bonfire," I said.

"Oh well."

After an hour or two, my parents came home. Cassi grabbed her purse and we left. The mall was only a block away so it didn't take long to get there.

  "Wanna get some lunch?" I asked Cassi. It was about 12 o'clock in the afternoon so it was around lunch.

  "Yeah sure," She replied.

  The first thing we did was go to the food court. We both got chicken sandwiches. We talked about our job and stuff.

  After lunch we went to a bunch of stores. We went to Macy's, Boscov's, Hot Topic, and a few other stores.

  After we were done at the mall we went to Walmart. "So what all do we need?" I asked Cassi as we entered and she grabbed a basket.

  "Ok, flour, eggs, chocolate chips," she said. There was more, but it was a lot.
Then we ended at a baking store where she got the icing bags.

  It was like 2 o'clock when we got back home. Cassi quickly ran upstairs to put her new clothes up in her room and I put the baking stuff in the kitchen. When Cassi came down she got out everything she needed and started to make the cookie cake. Cassi's family was also coming for dinner so she was making a dessert.

  The bonfire was going to start around five. The fire wouldn't actually be made til it was dark, but there were going to be activities before that. The dinner was at four, so it gave Cassi's family an extra hour to spend at our house.

At four the Thundermans arrived. "Hey Henry," said Phoebe when they walked through the door. I was the only one in the house. "Long time no see," she said laughing.

Just then Cassi walked through the back door from the patio. "Hey Cassi," said Chloe.

"Chloe!" Cassi said. Chloe ran over to hug her. Chloe truly loved Cassi and you could tell.

"So you're still with that cutie," Chloe said pointing to Henry.

"Chloe," Cassi said blushing in embarrassment.

"What? If I were you I'd be so happy!" Chloe said.

Cassi stood up and Chloe walked over to me. "Please tell me you two are still together," Chloe begged me.

"Yes Chloe, we're still together," I admitted.

"Yay!" She said teleporting to the patio.

"She's too much," Cassi said rolling her eyes, but also smiling. "Well the patio is this way," Cassi added starting to walk behind her family.

I pulled her over. "So Chloe likes me," I said grabbing her hand.

"Is it obvious?" She asked sarcastically.

"Yep," I said back laughing. I kissed her on the lips and then we walked out onto the patio.

As we sat down my dad turned around to ask who wanted burgers and who wanted hot dogs.

After eating the main course, sides, and fruit we are Cassi's cookie cake. "Wow, this is really good," I said.

"Thanks," Cassi replied back smiling.

At five, everyone started arriving for the bonfire. I had called Ray while Cassi was baking and he had said he would come and he did. By the time it was 5:30 everyone had arrived.

The bonfire was lasting til eleven. Before we started the fire we played frisbee, that corn hole game, football, we did sprinklers, we used water guns, and light off some fireworks.

I was not the best at frisbee, but that was okay. I beat Cassi at corn hole and my team won in football. Cassi didn't play football so I didn't get the pleasure of beating her again.

Every kid had a water gun. We paired up. I was with Max and Cassi was with Phoebe, but Chloe was also with them because she wouldn't go with anyone else. Charlotte and Nora were together. Billy and Jasper were together. Since Ray joined in he was with one of Piper's friends. Piper and her other friend were also together.

Once we finally got to the bonfire it was just perfect. As we sat around it on benches we got dried off from the water gun fight. I was sitting by Cassi who had Chloe on the other side of her. Phoebe was also on the other side of Chloe.

A few people had blankets around them. This included Cassi, Phoebe, Ray, Jasper, Chloe, and Piper. We had told everyone to bring blankets just in case.

The evening faded out fast. Soon, everyone was leaving and Piper was up to bed. After Piper had been in bed for while, Cassi and I went up. I went to my room and she went to her's.

I immediately changed into pajamas and got in bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out. I fell into a deep sleep.

A/N: Happy 4th of July!!! 🎉 I made this chapter especially for The 4th so it was kind of like a holiday special because today is Independence Day. Hope you enjoyed!!

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