A Puma

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"Shit shit shit!" Merlin exclaimed quietly as he ran out of the room, past Gaius. He was going to be late to get Arthur up, and set up for the hunting trip. He bounded through the halls around the servants, and bursted into the room. Arthur laid in bed, still sleeping.

"Wake up Arthur. By the time your dressed I'll have breakfast ready." Merlin rushed. He grabbed Arthur's clothes, and assembled it. Arthur groaned, and got up. Arthur had finally learned how to get his clothes on somewhat, so Merlin left quickly to grab the tray, and came back up.

Merlin held a silver tray, with sausages, potatoes, and cheese, with a goblet of wine to the side. Merlin used silent magic spells to move certain obstacles out of the way. Merlin had been practicing a lot, and he could finally do simple things without the need for words. Only levitation of very heavy objects required his voice. Merlin pushed the door open, and set the tray down where Arthur sat. Merlin silently chuckled at himself when he noticed Arthur's bedhead.

"Goodmorning Merlin. A bit late are we?" Arthur said as he cut up his food.

"Goodmorning. I'm sorry I ran late. The sun is rising a lot later because of the winter, and I keep getting off track." Merlin apologized. He tidied up the bed quickly, and then left the room to gather the gear for the day. He ran down the steps, and headed into the armory. Gwain was there, shining his sword, and Percival was strapping on his gear.

"G'Morning Merlin." Gwain greeted happily.

"Goodmorning Gwain." Merlin replied hurridly. "No time to talk, I'm running late, sorry!" Merlin said as he grabbed everything in one trip, and ran to the horse. He was suprised at how much he was able to lift. When he arrived in Amelot he could barely hold a sword without it dropping, and now he can hold multiple, plus sheilds and food sacks.

Merlin stapped the saddle onto the horse, plus all the needed equitment. He ran back to the armory to put Arthur's armor on. Arthur was there waiting.

Merlin immediately grabbed the armor and strapped everything on. Arthur, Percival, and Gwain walked to the horses together. Leon was already there, waiting. Everyone mounted their horses, and they all rode out. Merlin was the last, riding on a jet black horse. Arthur's older horse had been replaced awhile ago, with a pure white one, because of it's growing age.

Each rider rode out, clad in armor and swords, with a lowly servant following.

They rode for a couple of hours until they reached their destination. They heard from travelers that a wild cat inhabited the area. It was described as 7 feet tall, with multiple tails, and piercing green eyes. Other neighboring villages said that it would eat the cows. Arthur wanted it's tails and head mounted onto his wall if he could.

"Set up camp. We'll go out searching for any tracks." Arthur told Merlin.

"But I want to come with. You'll need someone to protect you." Merlin said, not so sure if he was even convincing himself. Arthur, Leon, and Percival all laughed.

"You can barely hold up a sheild and a sword. How could you protect us?" Arthur said. Merlin straightened his back.

"Moral support, and a spotter who can look around to search for danger." Merlin said. But when it came out of his mouth, he realized how pansy it sounded. Gwain stood up for him.

"Believe it or not, Merlin is very strong. Just the other day he carried me home because I passed out drunk. Plus I've seen him fight a couple times. His strategies are weird, but effective." Gwain said. Merlin appreciated his support.

Arthur thought about it.

"Fine. But you make dinner." Arthur settled.

"I always make dinner." Merlin laughed. He grabbed his personal sword, and walked with them. The sword was very cheap, but it was sharp. And with a little spell or two it was indestructible.

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