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The next morning just as Merlin sat up in bed, the familiar servant from last night walked in.

"Sire. I didn't think you would be awake. I came to wake you and set your clothes out for the day." He said.

"Oh well thank you. But I can do this all myself." Merlin told him. "And please call me Merlin." He added. The servant nodded, and left him. Merlin got up and rummaged through the dressers for any clothes that would fit him. He laid out a black outfit that seemed to suit him. He was even able to find a double button up black shirt with a high collar to hide his neck and chest. Merlin went to the mirror and looked at his shoulder. It was now a bluish green color, with hints of purple. He guessed it was healed enough to finish the job, so he quickly healed his shoulder, and climbed into his outfit. He remarked in the mirror how good he looked. He wore a thin black shirt underneath a double buttoned up black jacket with a high collar to hide his neck and chest, somewhat tight black pants, and black boots. He noticed how old his jacket was because it had a pointed end on the sleeve. Even if it was dated he felt it looked good. Merlin felt a little nervous to walk around in the much more elaborate outfit, but he knew that Arthur would have to start dresser nicer, and he wouldn't want to look underdressed. Merlin exited his room and headed to Arthur's room.

Merlin knocked on the door, and walked in. Arthur was still in bed. Merlin sighed, and flung the curtains open.

"Wake up my love. There's much to do." Merlin told him. Arthur groaned but still got up. Merlin moved to his closet, and pulled out a thicker, red, long sleeve shirt, a pair of fancier brown pants, black boots, and he set out his red Camelot cape, and new gold crown. Merlin knew the day would be cold, and Merlin did not like using his energy keeping himself warm. But he also remembered that Arthur liked feeling cold, so he did not set out a jacket.

Arthur rolled out of bed, and look at Merlin.

"You look hot as hell." He commented. Merlin blushed.

"Enough flirting and get dressed." Merlin giggled. Arthur got out of bed, and instead of going to get dressed, he went straight to Merlin. He wrapped his arms around Merlin's frail waist, and Merlin wrapped his arms around Arthur's neck, as usual.

"How come black?" Arthur asked. "Not that it's a bad look."

"Black is my favorite color. And I feel the outfit is dated enough where it still looks good." Merlin told him. They shared a kiss before Merlin parted and demanded he got dressed. Arthur whined but complied. For the finishing touch, Arthur placed his crown on.

"Actually. I have one more thing to give you. It will completely tie the outfit together." Arthur told him. He looked through one of his much much older wardrobes, and pulled out a black cloak. It had two silver clasps to hold it in the front, and a hood. It just barely touched to ground, and could be thrown over his shoulder, or could cover him up completely.

"In case you need to do a little bit of prowling, the hook and full coverage cloak can mask your identity. Plus you look great in it when worn casual." Arthur told him. Merlin looked into the mirror and agreed. He definitely looked evil but in a fashionable sense.

The two walked out of the room, and headed to the kitchens to just grab a piece of bread and an apple to eat. Both were not particularly hungry.

Once they were done, they headed to the throne room. Arthur had to listen to the townsfolks problems and concerns for an hour or so.

Merlin stood beside him, and helped Arthur when he could not decide. It went by in an hour, and Arthur guided Merlin to the ball room.

"I told some servants to spread the word of a new position as the new lord's servant. You should probably tell them what you will need help with, ask some questions, and then pick. I suggest not adding the messenger part as you can ask any servant to relay a message or send a note." Arthur filled him in. When Arthur opened the door for Merlin, inside was an array of young men who wanted to be promoted as his servant. Merlin took it as somewhat of a compliment. There was a little platform in the front of the room, and Merlin jumped on and commenced their attention.

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