Stavia Problems

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It was early morning, and Merlin had made a point to wake up extra early. He still felt the food that he ate last night, and he felt great. He ate a quick breakfast before running up to Arthur to wake him up. Maids and servants bustled around the castle, getting things ready.

"Wake up Arthur. The King and Queen will be here soon. You've got to greet them at the entrance." Merlin said. He opened the blinds, and threw Arthur's blanket off of him, per usual. Arthur groaned, but got out of bed. Merlin helped him into his more fancy complicated clothes, and fixed his hair. He placed the crown onto his head, and Arthur was ready. Since there was a little bit of time, Arthur went to Uther with the signed papers, and Merlin went outside to give Arthur's horse a quick wash and brush. The horse was soon pure white, and saddled up.

Merlin saddled up both Arthur and Uthers horse, and everything was set. Since the carriage was too large to enter the Camelot streets, the King and Queen would ride on horse with Arthur and Uther. Merlin and Gwen were allowed to come along since he was the servant of Arthur, and she was the head female servant.  Along with them was Uther's servant, Gibralter. Since Gibralter did not have a horse, he had to walk behind the horses. Merlin thought about letting him ride on his horse with him, but the two never really got along well. Gibralter was a bit snobish in Merlins opinion. So Gwen rode with him on his horse.

Arthur and Uther walked out of the castle, and headed to the front gates with Merlin and Gwen behind Arthur, and Gibralter walking.

Once they got to the entrance, Arthur, Uther, and Merlin all got off their horse to get off the bridge.

"Would you please keep the horses here Gibralter. Make sure they don't run away." Arthur told the servant. Gibralter happily held onto the reigns, thinking Merlin was not going to be of use.

"Merlin. Gwen. Come with me. You'll help me greet the King and Queen." Arthur said. Merlin nodded happily, and helped Gwen down. Merlin flashed Gibralter a grin while handing him the reigns, and the two followed Arthur.

"King George and Queen Amelia will be here soon. They will both be wearing black as the King had died rather recently after George's corination. Make sure when we get back that they both have cold water to drink to cool themselves down with. Also, you will both attend to their needs, along with ours. But put the guest first." Uther informed them.

They waited a little while, and soon say an enormous carriage ride towards them. With two brown horses driving. The carriage stopped, and the coachmen held the door for them to come down the steps. The King was out first, per usual, so Merlin held a hand out to help him down. When the Queen came out, George helped her down. Uther was right. They both wore black clothes. It contrasted deeply with the Queens pale complexion and black hair. But both smiled and greeted them.

"Long time no see Uther. Arthur. I'm glad we could see each other again. And after so long." George greeted kindly. Uther respectfully shook his hand, and then kissed Amelia's ring. So did Arthur.

"It's nice for you to come stay with us for a bit. The trip must have been harsh. Let's go inside, and get you some cold water." Arthur urged. The carriage was pulled to the side, and the coachmen unleashed the horses. The two brown steeds immediately went to their owner, and they King and Queen mounted them. Soon a couple of knight trotted towards them.

"We let the knights surround the coach as we travel. They love horse riding." Amelia told them. Arthur, Uther, Merlin, and Gwen went back to their horses with the Stavia knights and royalty, and rode back to the castle. Gibralter kept behind them. Once back they led their horses to the stables where Gibralter hooked them up, and Merlin and Gwen escorted them in.

"Please let me lead you to your room." Merlin said. Merlin lead the George to his seperate room, while Gwen lead Amelia to her own. Since they were so newly wed, they stayed in seperate rooms still.

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