Lake of Avalon

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I know not everything is like BBC merlin, I am changing it fight me


Percival looked extremely scared, while Lancelot and Gwain were very interested in Izusa.

"You don't have to worry. She will only do what I alone tell her to. She would never kill or hurt you." Merlin assured them. Arthur walked over to her, and gently stroked her neck. Ebony got up, and walked over to Izusa carefully. She then experimented with trying to turn into a dragon. She more resembled a lizard with wings. Although this made Percival laugh.

"I can ride Izusa while you guys ride the horses. I have an idea of where I need to go. She can help carry the horses down without my magic."

Merlin looked to Izusa, and explained to her what she needed to do. She understood, and carefully grabbed onto the first horse, and then lifted it up into the air, and dropped it down to the flattest ground closest to the cave. She repeated this with the four horses. All the while Arthur was trying to contain his laughter, Gwain and Lancelot were watching curiously, and Percival was just looking at the dragon bewildered. It seems that they have very mixed reactions to a dragon.

Once Izusa finished, she flew back to Merlin, and let him climb on.

"Lancelot can take Night. I will have Izusa speed through Camelot to try to find a way to the lake while escaping detection. Once we reach the border, just find a place to hide yourself and the horses." Merlin told him. Izusa lifted off of the ground, and hovered over the horses, waiting for the others to slide down and climb on. The soon started to ride as fast as they could back to the border. Merlin flew above to watch for any signs of life ahead. It took what felt like an hour to reach the border, and they hid the horses in the water behind a dam. The water only rose a couple of feet, but the extra height of the old beaver dam made an acceptable place to submerge the horses while allowing them breath. Everyone made sure to not get wet, since the cold air would definitely kill them if they got wet. Everyone besides Arthur hid up in a thick tree.

"I'll be back soon. I know where it is, I can retrieve whatever I need to find, and come back." He told them.

"Good luck Merlin. You can do this." Lancelot told him.

"I love you." Arthur said. Merlin blushed.

"I love you too, Arthur." Merlin parted from them, and he hastily flew Izusa low to the ground as he located the Valley of the Fallen Kings. He remembered a small pathway. Too narrow for a horse to follow, but narrow enough for a skinny person. He had always thought it was a thick crack in the rock, but he had a feeling that there was more.

"If you sense anyone nearby, fly away, and don't make yourself seen. Only come back if I call." Merlin told her. He then jumped off, and slid into the crack. He went in sideways to be faster, and be continued. It was very dark, so it had appeared as a crack, but it was in fact a tunnel of sorts. He lit a blue flame with his left hand, and held it out as he walked to see where to turn. There were no forked paths, just a continuing single narrow path. Just as Merlin felt hopeless of finding an end, he saw the light finally shine through. He extinguished the flame, and crawled out of the rock to see the familiar lake. The Lake of Avalon.

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