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The next morning, he awoke extra early by Gwen's incessant shaking.

"Merlin Merlin Merlin! Wake up! We were just told to set up the ball room! We've got to go!" Gwen hurried Merlin. Merlin awoke, and he jumped out into clean clothes.

"Hold on. I've got to go collect the bathes." Merlin told her. He hurried up to King George's room, and snuck in .Thankfully he was still sleeping. He quietly picked up the tub of water, using a little magic to aid him, and he poured it quietly down the drain in the corner. Then he returned the tub to the kitchens, and did the same with Arthur's.

Merlin ran to the ballroom, and busted around with the other servants, getting the room made. Uther was already awake.

"Merlin. Come here." Uther told Merlin. Merlin stopped what he was doing, and went to Uther.

"King George and I talked late last night, and decided to set this ball up. His favorite servants, and a couple family members are coming here early in the morning. I need you to go to Arthur's wardrobe, and find some of his smaller clothes. You need to look nice, and those servant uniforms are hideous. Greet the new guests at the gate on horse, and lead them to the castle. Have Gwen show the women to their rooms, and you show the men to their rooms. Once you are done, I'll need you to oversee the ballroom. It is going to be a masquerade, we decided. I want you, Gwen, Gibralter, and Anna to be the only servants that are not serving. All the other servants must wear something somewhat nice, and they will serve. Arthur wanted you three to have fun this time since you are our best servants. But there's one special task I need you to perform." Uther said. He leaned into Merlin's ear.

"I feel like King George may have an idea in his head that could hurt Arthur if executed. I need you to stay around Arthur, and make sure he is safe. And if you have a bad feeling about someone, but steer Arthur away. Can I count on you? I know you are, somehow, very good at protecting Arthur." Uther asked him. Merlin nodded.

"I'm glad you trust me so well. I will stay by him the whole ball, and risk my safety if necessary." Merlin told him. Merlin told the other servants what to wear, and then Merlin headed to Arthur's room, and snuck in.

Thankfully, Arthur was a heavy sleeper.

Merlin carefully opened the wardrobe doors filled with smaller clothes, and he found some small enough for him. It wasn't too baggy or too short. It felt nice. He choose a long sleeved navy blue shirt, with a black jacket that had brass buttons on one side. Merlin also found a smaller pair of black boots, and black pants that weren't too baggy or too loose. He even found a nice brown belt to go around his waist. Merlin quickly changed into the clothing, and looked into the mirror. He thought he looked very nice. The snugger fitting of the shirt showed off his muscles that many people didn't know he had. Although without his necktie, some scars were visible, he thought that would make him less identifiable. He almost looked like a prince. The one thing he was missing was the mask. Merlin scrambled around to try and find something, but couldn't. He headed to Gwen's home, and knocked on her door. She opened it, and saw her wearing a very nice dark purple dress.

"You look great Merlin." She beamed. Merlin smiled and walked in.

"I can say the same for you. I was wondering, do you have any masks?" Merlin asked. She nodded, and pulled some out.

"I made these for fun as a child. The ones my dad made with me are more masculine. But they're perfect for this occasion." Gwen said. She laid some out. She picked one really nice purple one, and placed it on her face. Merlin looked at the three. One of them matched perfectly. It was navy blue, with black and gold trimming. It was very elegant. Merlin placed it on his face, and looked in the mirror.

First Slow, Then All At OnceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ